Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"Already done miss" Marie says before walking away and leaving me to head back inside.

Closing the sliding glass wall, and hearing the eight pins lock I close the curtains and head to the breakfast room where I find everyone seated with their breakfast in front of them.

"Good morning little olive" Riley calls to me and I just toll my eyes.

"Good morning Riley" I reply taking my breakfast and joining them at the table.

"Where's Adrian" Kate asks looking down the hallway then to me.

"He had something happen early this morning so he went to work" I answer taking the spot next to her.

"I'm surprised he even has time to sleep" Riley says.

"He does, how do you think he makes use of everything he owns?" I muse putting a fork full of food in my mouth.

"Adrian also worked his ass off for four years so that he and Olivia can live a life that isn't busy all the time" Nico points out, "it's also Adrian Winters were talking about here, name the last time Adrian didn't get his way".

"I sure as fuck can't" Hunter muttered.

"Neither can I" Mia admits.

"Point proven" Nico says, and both me and Kate laugh subtly.

"What even is the plan for today?".

"I'm going to Fifth Avenue I wanted to pick up a gift for Adrian, he works hard and I know after the day he's likely having he would enjoy it".

"Okay this is random but what is the ratio of cars for you and him" Ava asks.

"There isn't any, the cars are shared between us, my Porsche and Aston Martin I chose to sell to help with rebuilding Winters Group".

"That's genuine dedication" Mia remarks.

"I get to drive whatever car I want out of Adrian's garage though, so that's a bonus".

"I don't even think I've seen his whole garage" Riley says, and all at once the rest of us reply.

"Because you'd break something".

"Wow, loving the vote of confidence" he muttered going back to picking at his food.

When we were all done our meal, I dismissed the chef so that she could go have time to herself, while the yacht docked in the marina along side the other two smaller sisters of Adrian's New York fleet.

Though smaller isn't exactly the best description for a 480ft and 360ft yacht respectively.

Once the boat was securely moored I walked off down the gangplank towards the parking lot where I already spotted the three matte black Brabus C63S Sedans waiting for her with the typical black clothed bodyguards standing around.

"Ms. Thorne, where to?".

"Home please, Elijah" I say sliding into the back of the middle car.

"Yes, Ms. Thorne" Elijah replies before closing the door and walking around to the driver seat.

He then pulled the car away following the first guard vehicle.

I then just sat in the back looking out the window at the world around me, which was largely the suburban area's of New York heading out along Long Island to the Hamptons.

It was rare that I sat in quiet on this trip, it felt odd, as I've only done it two or three times alone or what feels like alone.

Though in all fairness Elijah's job is to not really be noticed unless he needs to be.

As the car pulled into the driveway I got out thanking Elijah before going inside to change into something I was willing to let the world see me in.

Changing into a red turtleneck shirt, and black pants along with gloss black leather Louboutin heels, something that I would admit I owned a lot of.

Walking back downstairs after completing my makeup, I grabbed my sunglasses, and the key to the Ferrari 812 Superfast before going down to the garage and putting in the code.

As I walked down to the garage I could hear my heels clicking across the polished flooring, towards the supercar I had chosen.

Sliding into the front seat I started the car, before driving away towards Manhattan.

I knew I had been around Adrian when I glanced down at the speedometer and saw I was doing seventy-five in a sixty.

Getting to Brooklyn I passed over the bridge and slowed to the appropriate speed limit, and began to navigate my way through the busy streets of Manhattan until I got to Fifth Avenue.

As I got there I saw three other cars all pull up each being distinctively belonging to the girls, Kate in a shiny grey Lamborghini Urus, Mia in white Porsche 911 Carrera, and Ava in a red Mercedes Benz GTC Roadster.

New York's wealthiest women in one place this will make the news.

Parking I got out of the car soon followed by the rest of the girls and locked the Ferrari.

I then heard the various people on the sidewalk recognize each of us as we began to walk towards Louis Vuitton, because why not add to my existing bag collection.

Pushing open the door I removed my sunglasses and began walking around the store looking at the various bags, along with the other girls while the person who ran the store seemed uncomfortable around so many wealthy people.

I get it it's how I felt whenever I was near someone wealthy up until I was actually one of them.

Grabbing the top four bags that I liked I walked to the till and pulled out my Visa Black Card before paying and walking over to the girls while they looked at the other bags.

"Kate the Muria would be perfect for you especially in white, I'm thinking a Pont for you Ava with the fluffy outline" I say and getting to where Mia was and letting out a hum.

"Brown Milla seems best suiting Mia" I say looking over at her.

"Did you work for Louis V at one point?" Ava asks.

"No, but most of my bags are from here" I reply while they go to pay for their bags.

"That would make sense" Mia says.

I then let out a laugh leading them out of the store before continuing to walk down the line of luxury stores buying several tens of thousand of dollars worth of clothing and accessories that I will admit in my case I make use of.

"I think my accountant will be questioning my spending habits" Mia says.

"You have your own Hotel chain it makes sense to me" Kate says.

"Okay Ms. fashion designer" I quip with a teasing smile my boyfriend would approve of.

"Olivia you're COO for Winters Group International the largest MNC on earth".

"And your point is" I challenge raising my eyebrows waiting for her to give a response but none comes.

"Yep she definitely lives with Adrian" Ava comments.

"I still can remember telling Adrian that someone will come along and break his expectations of the people around him, then here comes Olivia, and how did that end?" Kate smiles.

"She's the probably second on the wealthiest people Forbes list next to Adrian" Ava remarks.

I laugh knowing that my net worth is private same as Adrian's for a lot of reasons one such is the accuracy to Ava's statement.

"I will not confirm or deny" I say unlocking the Ferrari and opening the back to put all of the things I bought into it's storage area.

"At least she's humble" Kate says casting me a smile as I slide into the 812 and start the engine to begin my journey back home, so that I could put all my stuff away.

That's todays everyone, just a bit of a chill one next will be Adrian pov so be prepared, also comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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