Chapter Sixty Six

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Olivia and I had been walking around Paris for hours taking in all of the familiar sights that we loved seeing, there was also a level of class in Paris that we somehow fit into despite both being American, but I also had no intention of faking where I came from when Parisians could likely tell and if they couldn't why announce it to the world.

The sun had set a while ago and as we walked along the River Seine snow began to fall over us setting crystalline diamond snowflakes in our hair and on our clothing.

"I love this city, it's so serene feeling" Olivia remarks leaning her head against my shoulder.

"This city would be empty to me without you" I muse looking down at her.

"I doubt that" she laughs.

"I know it would, I might not admit this to most people but without you I literally have nothing because you are my world" I say and the look she gives me is one of admiring appreciation.

"I sometimes wonder what happened two people from completely different lives ended up together".

"I can admit I thought about that bellissima, and I honestly think I have an answer, I fought for you without knowing you, and you resisted being the one that would be used forever, you stood back up and when we met you still suffered from the past same as me, and in the end you helped me break free of my cage, and I showered you in the respect and affection you should have gotten the first time around".

"I guess that's true, now we own an empire".

"That's probably why we're getting so many looks" I laugh as I spot La Cinq ahead which was the restaurant I had taken Olivia to on the night I asked her to be my girlfriend.

"They know how good looking you are" Olivia muses.

"And they know I'm never letting you go, also I'm spoiling you more then usual tonight" I smirk leading her towards the restaurant.

"Uh oh" Olivia breathes and I give her a reassuring smile.

As we walked into the restaurant a waiter quickly came up to us.

"Good evening madam, monsieur, please right this way" he says guiding us through the elegant space dotted with neatly rowed square tables blanketed by white silk tablecloths and already preset with wine glasses.

The waiter the stopped and turned to face us gesturing to a table beneath a painting.

We both then slid into our spots and were each handed a menu, something I flipped open with ease simply from going to numerous restaurants for black tie events.

"What can I start you both off with".

"Your finest whisky on rocks for me please" I request sliding my coat off and hanging it over the back of the neighbouring chair.

"And for the madam?".

"Ace of Spades champagne" Olivia smiles.

"Of course I will be right back with those for you" he says walking off and leaving us to talk amongst ourselves which mostly consisted of staring at one another and deciding what to order. In fact the whole dinner was spent like that, but I also liked the comfortable silence and being able to bask in it.

When the dinner concluded hours later my nervousness began to skyrocket at what I was about to do. I wasn't also a nervous person either, but in this case I couldn't help it, so I resorted to hiding my hands in my pockets where my hand brushed against the velvet box inside my left pocket.

"Adrian your so tense why?" Olivia asks resting her hand on my arm and looking at me with a soft concerned expression.

"Just something important" I say giving her a reassuring smile which was more to calm her then myself though the wish was still there that it would.

As we walked along the streets that seemed to be filling with light feature-like snow in the time that we had been having our anniversary dinner.

Paris at night was also more calm and serene, lacking the busyness of the day there was a sort of ambient emptiness that made it more enjoyable to be in at night, which was also helping the anxious feeling in my stomach as Olivia and I walked hand in hand along the main boulevard on the opposite side of the Eiffel Tower.

Then, almost like Deja Vu seven years ago flashes before my eyes like a haze showing me the moment and place where I had asked Olivia to become my girlfriend. Almost like a fog it then clears and I can see the spot like a mental X of the place I had asked her a question I would never regret, and was about to ask her one I know I would never wish to take back not even for a second.

"Olivia stop right..." I trail off moving her in front of me to the spot I am pretty much sure she had been standing all those wonderful years ago. "Here".

"Why, what am I looking at or for?".

"This is where I asked you to become my girlfriend, right here in view of the Eiffel Tower".

"It is isn't it" she says turning to look at the glowing tower, and on sheer instinct I reached into my pocket and removed the box while lowering myself to kneel behind her as a million different things attempted to form in my mind, my shaking hands seemed to almost increase in intensity along with my rapid heartbeat.

Then she turned around and the look on her face ebbed all my fear and nervousness away washing it off like a blanket is peeled from a reluctant child who doesn't want to get up in the morning. The beaming smile on her face seemed to almost radiate the beautiful glow she carried with her, before my mouth allowed me to speak.

"Olivia Aubrey Thorne, I have been with you through seven amazing, beautiful, and fantastical years with you all of which I wouldn't change because in the end they brought us together, but I didn't just want to bring you back to the exact place we started I wanted to bring you here so it would become us forever and always, so I have one question for you and one I've been dying to ask you" I say breathing in to stable my breathing as a tear rolls down her face and her ever growing smile reaches a point that the only I'm likely still able to see is that she's covering it with her hands.

I then open the box I'm holding revealling the diamond ring inside, with one large square cut in the middle and two smaller ones beside it, "will you marry me bellissima, and be mine?".

She doesn't say anything, and I don't think she can, and almost like her brain begins to function all over again she breathes out her reaponse but I don't hear it before repeating it louder, and my heart skips at it.

"Yes, yes of course yes".

My own smile breaks free of its constraints before she reaches for me neglecting the ring all together, but then again I didn't expect anything less from the girl who never left even when I was broke and had nothing when there was a chance I wouldn't have anything for the rest of my life. Yet she stayed.

Wrapping her arms around me I begin to spin her in circles while she giggles like the little girl that always dreamed of a fairytale in her head, and seeing that smile gives me all the reassurance I'd ever need.

Stopping I set her back on her feet before kneeling again to slide the ring on her left hand which fit perfectly and as I shut the box, returning it to my pocket I see her adjust it.

"It feels to right to have this happen here" she beams.

"And it feels even more so to say that you are finally mine forever and always" I say wrapping my arms around her.

"Forever and always".
That's the end of TBC holy shit it's been a journey and I loved it all of it, there will be one more book after this timeline wise but also a prequel to this whole series so stay tuned for that also if you enjoyed the book maybe give me a follow even though my books are special and cliche, also comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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