Chapter Two

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Crossing the black stone floored lobby with pale grey walls and dark metal accents towards the elevator I looked around at how many people were already here and likely had been here for a while, but I also had some pretty closed wall expectations for my staff, and many showed up to get things done.

Reaching the elevator I pressed the button which lit up red bringing it to me and Olivia.

When the doors opened we stepped inside, and with the push of the top floor button two hundred nineteen floors above me I settled in for the ride even though I know it won't even last a minute.

Stepping out of the elevator I began making my way towards my office, right as my mouse brown haired assistant Kaylee walked up to me.

"Good morning" I greet, as I slow my pace so that she could catch up to me.

"Good morning Mr. Winters" she replies.

"What is on my schedule for today?" I ask passing down the hallway that led to the tall black doors with half circle steel door handles.

The whole building had a simple but sophisticated look to it, though each section of the tower devoted to twenty-six of my subsidiaries were all designed to be focused on those as a way to distinguish between them.

"You have a meeting for the upcoming fourth quarter, followed by a meeting about the recent construction project, then a lunch at twelve with the CEO of Harrington Industries, the rest is just paperwork, or is there anything you would like me to book?" Kaylee says as I push open the black wooden door and step into my office which sat against a large window behind my desk, the flooring was all black ebony wood, with the left wall occupied by shelves for files, along with a mini café area for me to make coffee or some other drink when needed. The opposite wall however was decorated with expensive art with a fireplace built into the wall and a small lounge area in front of it with a roman numeric clock sitting half way up the marble fireplace.

"No that will be all, have my executives in the board room by nine please" I say walking towards the large window that gave a full view over the west side of New York, and Manhattan.

All the way up here I felt like I was looking over a kingdom. But I suppose it sort of was, there were many names people had called me over the years one such being the Prince Of New York, now I was it's devil, and perhaps the most ruthless businessman in the country.

Walking from my window I opened my café section to make myself a coffee to start on the files that I had to get through, and prepare for my meeting in a little under twenty five minutes.

As the final drops fell into the cup I heard the door open followed by heels.

"You know I closed that door for a reason" I say glancing up at Olivia as she neared me.

"What happened to your door policy of entering with a reason" she quips walking to the desk and spinning around the file for the third quarter report.

"That file is confidential do not open it please" I muse walking over and setting my hand over top of it.

"What's in it?".

"That is a finance report which discloses company finances I get the report for every country, and subsidiary under my control, and it also includes pay for employees" I state walking over to her. "so why do you want to see what's in that file?" I pry.

"Because I am second only to you and pretty much are the same position other them I'm basically your business enforcer".

"That's accurate" I laugh, "but you also will have gotten a duplicate of this exact file".

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