Chapter Fifty Two

582 19 7

Adrian Winters

Rolling over onto my side the next morning I'm met by a flurry of hair that all lay in a messy collection around Olivia's face, and I have to resist my urge to move all the pieces back in an organized way, though messy haired or not Olivia was beautiful it's just the way it is, if you can't appreciate a woman without looking like a model she isn't the one for her.

Though I'm guilty of viewing Olivia of being perfect no matter what so my opinion on the matter might be a little biased.

Almost out of instinct I smiled while looking at her ever little thing about her was fascinating, her sharp facial features, her perfect olive complexion something my early teen self would have been in envy of, even little things like the short scar that was almost impossible to notice unless this close to her just above her ear, especially the slate grey and emerald eyes that I could find myself lost in.

"I open my eyes and there you are grinning like a psychopath" Olivia muses, and I lightly laugh while pulling her closer to me.

"Well I apologize for loving you Ms. Thorne it won't happen again" I smirk, before she pushes against my chest, and if I wasn't almost twice her size she'd have moved me. "Are you trying to get rid of me so quickly".

"Shut up you're heavy" Olivia says hiding her face in my chest.

"Is that a more pleasant way of calling me fat" I muse my accent coming out.

"Stop being a smartass, and get up, I want to shower, but you're holding me".

Glancing down at my hands as if stimulus alone wasn't enough to confirm what Olivia had said.

"You're being rather demanding this morning, so I think I might just have to try and get you to smile".

"And how is that you plan to accomplish that" she challenges.

Leaning over while softly cupping her face I press my lips against hers before peppering her face in them until she starts to smile, and tries to once again push me off.

"Hey look you're smiling" I muse before climbing out of bed, and walking into the bathroom.

"You better not be having a shower" Olivia called after me, and just to bug her I walk over to the shower and turn it on cold setting. "You fucking" she adds not finishing her sentence before she finds me laughing with an amused smirk on my lips.

"You're evil" she remarks before I walk behind the privacy wall to use the toilet.

After I was done I walked out of the bedroom to pick what I wanted to wear today, along with having to get one of my staff to prep the helicopter which thankfully I had the common sense to have brought onto my boat before going to bed last night.

I then walked out to the kitchen to make breakfast while Olivia showered. Pulling open the cabinets which had been refilled with the cleaned dishes I had used to cook last night back in their appropriate places.

Today was also one of the days that I couldn't afford to be late mostly because the meeting that me and Olivia would be attending was about profits for the past year which was also the only time that happened, and it happened to be one the supposed last day of the trial for Victor, which I couldn't watch, for the sake I didn't want to have to walk out of a courtroom and see Leila cry especially since I know that she will have to go home to Payton, and it's harsh having to explain to a kid that their dad isn't going to be coming home.

No wonder I have enemies.

After finishing making myself granola, yogurt, with raspberries, and blueberries I made a second one for Olivia before walking out onto the promenade of the yacht and looking out at NYC, while eating my breakfast.

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