Chapter Twenty Five

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It was a short flight to the Hamptons, mostly due to me flying as fast as I could back to my home to escape the storm that was closing in on New York.

I'm also wearing a hundred thousand dollar suit that I don't want ruined.

Landing the helicopter gracefully on the landing pad before I shut everything down and got out.

Walking to my house's front door I unlocked the door before walking inside.

"Bellissima, I'm home" I call into the house.


So I stop and listen, then I heard it. Music, coming from the master bedroom.

I then slowly walk upstairs to the door and push it open to see the bed covered in clothing, and various other items while Olivia danced and sang while organizing things in her closet.

Leaning in the doorway I waited for her to notice me.

There was one time where I had walked over to her and I startled her nearly resulting in me being slapped.

Olivia the picked up the last handbag on the bed and pulled it out of the box.

"There's a lot of boxes here" she mutters.

"Yes there is" I remark and her head turns to face me so fast that I'm shocked she didn't get whiplash.

"Adrian, Jesus when did you get home?".

Glancing down at my watch and back up to her I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"Seven minutes" I reply as I move across the room to her.

"I got more Louis Vuitton bags" Olivia admits and I laugh.

"I can see the boxes bellissima".

"So what's the plan Mr. Winters".

"Well I don't fully know, I'm home so we could do something" I say holding her waist, and looking down at her while she hung her arms over the back of my neck.

"Like what?" she asked looking up at me giving me the ability to look into her eyes.

"I don't know maybe like...".

My phone interrupts me.

"I am literally going to fucking kill someone today, I swear to god" I seethe letting go of Olivia's waist and pulling out my phone to see the name of my longest running friend.

Arianna Verille.

Hitting accept I lifted the phone to my ear.

"Aria" I say into the receiver while Olivia gives me a small smile, and I could tell what she was thinking.

You wanted to kill someone until it comes to your friends.

"Adrian, so I have good news".

"And that is?" I ask walking into the lounge area and pulling the sliding black strip weave doors shut, because it was a private call and if it was business related I wanted to do it in private.

"My new clothing line will be showcased in New York at the end of November" she says excitement dripping from every word.

"That's not for another three weeks though, why so much time between you telling me and then?" I ask though I was smiling slightly.

"Because I'd like to introduce you as a benefactor to my business" Aria says.

"Chasing PR are you" I tease.

"Said the ex gang boss" she says.

"How and when the fuck?" I pry.

"You were put under house arrest when you were damn near seventeen, I'm also not dumb enough to not catch the handgun you carried around before then when visiting you".

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