Chapter Sixty

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It was Saturday Night, and both Olivia and I were going to Paris, but we had also set up a departure time so that we could sleep through the trip and land in Sunday to enjoy the rest of the week until Christmas.

"I hate doing these trips because I always look like a tired ass crackhead" Olivia mutters as we slid in the back of my Rolls Royce Ghost which Elijah was currently acting as chauffeur.

"You never look like a crackhead" I point out as I pull the door closed and turn to Elijah. "JFK airport please".

"Yes Mr. Winters" he replies and begins driving us towards the airport.

The weather also decided that today it was going to be beautiful because that was just how these types of things seemed to work.

When we eventually got to the airport Elijah pulled through the gate across the recently shovelled tarmac to where my jet sat with the stairs set up and guards in typical fashion around the entire thing.

He then parked in front of the stairs and got out to open the back door for us.

"Thank you Elijah" I say casting him a small smile of appreciate before walking away towards the steps, and swiftly climbing them before being greeted by Stephanie at the top of the stairs.

"Good evening Stephanie" I say giving her a curt nod before walking over to my favourite chair onboard the plane and allowing myself to sink into it while Olivia followed soon after to take the seat across from me.

"I'm going to pass out on the flight there" Olivia mutters as the planes door gets closed and flight attendants come out.

"Anything for either of you?" the first one asked while the second went to make sure everything was ready in the back should we choose to use that area of the plane.

"A blanket please" Olivia says with a soft smile one she has always managed to do regardless of circumstance.

"Nothing for me thanks" I say before looking out the window.

After a moment the plane moves away from the hanger and towards the runway where we are swiftly brought to our position before the long aircraft quickly rises off the ground carrying Olivia and I above New York and towards the expanse of ocean dividing North America from Europe.

When the plane levelled off I unbuckled my seat and walked away towards the back section where the living room was before walking to the book shelf around it and pulling a book away, the magnet that had held it to the wall loosing grip before I sat down on the couch and flicked the book open and began to read through it until I felt my eyelids become heavy but I was determined to read the rest of the chapter though before I could my eyes shut and I faded into black.

Hours must have passed in the time that I had been asleep because all of a sudden I took note of two things; one was that there was sunlight gleaming through the windows and the second was a blanket had been pulled over me.

When the hell did this happen, and for how long have I been asleep?

My questions however were likely to stay in my head because that just seemed to be where most of them remained as it was.

Pushing it off of me I got off the couch and let out a large yawn as I stood before walking into the kitchen area where I found Olivia cooking some form of breakfast panini, a small stack of four sat on a plate not far from her, and music played around the room.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Olivia teases spotting me as I walked into the kitchen area and pushed the door to the living room shut.

"I am beautiful aren't I" I muse with a smirk as I lean on the counter.

"What are you making bellissima?".

"Banana, Nutella, on protein waffles, panini style" she says handing me one, and I take it before taking a bite of it, and let out a moan of enjoyment.

"You like it" she laughs.

"This shit's amazing, how many are you making?".

"Six, but I'm only having two" Olivia says, and almost immediately I stack a plate which seems to amuse her. "You're love of food".

"Top three things I need in life, you, food, and sleep" I say sliding the plate in front of a place where four vinyl topped stools were and I sat down in front of it.

"You are tired" she says.

"Probably but I don't mind being tired, hell I'm used to it" I say continuing to eat the breakfast Olivia had made.

"You eleven hours or more a day of course you are" Olivia points out and I lightly laugh.

"I don't mind working, it means that in due time I won't have to work at all the money will just flow in without supervision".

"It already does but I don't actually think Winters Group will ever be entirely without need of a CEO it's to fucking big, twenty six subsidiaries, thirty countries by next year, and four million employees, WGI will always require management".

"Isn't that the truth" I scoff, "I sometimes wonder if I made this company to big, I control more wealth then most countries, and the worlds largest privately cultivated wealth. Five years Olivia and we accomplished something that should be impossible".

"If it was impossible how did we do it?" she imposes with a discerning shrug.

"Coffee, hard working people, and too much ambition" I reply humour lining my voice as I finish one of the paninis.

"That's the logical response, also I think we both are to good at focusing until we get what we want" she says.

"That's obvious I wanted you, I got you and I'm never letting go, besides I have enough money to never have to work for the rest of my family's history, as for Winters Group, yeah five years says a lot doesn't it".

"Because the fact your name scares people or draws attention to you doesn't showcase that enough".

"It's amusing definitely".

Then all of a sudden I hear Stephanie's voice come through the intercom.

"Could all passengers please return to their seats, we will be landing thirty minutes earlier then expected".

"Grab your panini's, and let's go" Olivia says as I finish my plate. "Or not".

I then laugh and follow her out to the main cabin to sit down in our seats.

Looking outside I see London sprawled out before me, and for a split second I feel the nostalgia of being in the cultural home of my family.

A few moments passed before the plane began to descend towards Heathrow Airport before coming down onto the runway and slowing till Stephanie piloted it towards the hanger where it was carefully parked and the debarking stairs were swiftly brought over to the planes frontal door which was wide open.

Olivia and I then got up and walked over to the door before descending the steps while wind blew around us disturbing our hair.

We were finally in London again.

Alright they are in london and I have to get this to be decently long chapter wise because I want all of you to enjoy the last chapters of this specific book. Leave your guesses for the finale in the comments, also vote, and share. Anyways


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