"Okay." She nodded.

"Let's do this inside." He opened the door and walked in, Elsa following him in, and they went into the kitchen. "Hey, dad. Mind if we do some magic here or should we go to my room?"

"I'm cooking, go to your room." Quirin said, not looking up from his stirring.

Varian nodded and motioned for Elsa to follow as he headed up to his room. Once up there, he let Elsa look around to satisfy her curiosity and then she turned to him. "What's this on your bed?" She pointed to the metal appendages.

"Various grooming tools." He shrugged. "Alright, so...ladies first?"

She stood up and waved her hands around, changing her appearance into the clothes she wore the day she finally accepted her powers. Varian stared in awe and resisted the urge to ask to touch it, to know if it was cold or not. She seemed to know what he was thinking, though, and offered her arm for him to touch her sleeve.

"It's actually not that cold." She said with a gentle smile. "Somehow."

He chuckled. "Somehow." He gently moved his hand along her arm, picking at her sleeve to feel the ice particles that made it up. "You know...I kind of expected to panic a little when I first saw you use your powers but...I think we're good, as long as you don't unleash a blizzard."

"Well, then I will do my best to not unleash a blizzard." She nodded. "Your turn."

"Oh, gosh. It's so dumb." He blushed. "There's a tiara and everything."

"Show me." She coaxed him.

He sighed and stepped back, then closed his eyes and focused, changing his clothes into the black rock armor he woke up in the Moonstone Chamber in. He heard her give a soft gasp and opened his eyes before smiling and offering her his arm.

"This is...your rocks?" She asked in awe, examining his sleeve and then the cape. "It's beautiful. I didn't know they came in other colors, you've only shown me black and red."

"I don't know how the red happens. I think it's just..my fear being manifest. But black, white and blue are all colors I can change the rocks into." Varian explained.

She hummed thoughtfully, then giggled as she caught sight of their reflections in a full-length mirror. "You know what? Side-by-side like this? They're right."

He chuckled. "Yeah. Oh, but you don't have a crown."

"I can fix that." She used her magic to give herself an ice crown and then they both laughed.

"Varian? Is everything alright?" Quirin asked.

"Yeah, we're fine!" Varian called down. "Hey, let's go down like this."

"Ah, yes, displaying our fabulous matching magical clothes." She giggled.

Varian went over to open the door before motioning for her to go first. "After you, m'lady."

"Why, thank you, good sir." She did a curtsy and lifted her skirt as she started down the steps, her cape trailing behind her. Varian waited a bit then followed her down.

Quirin looked up at they came down. "I prepared some hot cocoa for you both, if you—oh my." He turned to him. "I thought you didn't like this outfit, Varian?"

"We're just showing them off to each other." Varian shrugged as they went to take a seat at the table.

"Hm." Quirin walked over and set their drinks in front of them.

"Thank you, sir." Elsa said politely before taking a sip of her drink. "Mmm, chocolate."

"I know, right?" Varian grinned. "It's best when it's hot, just slides down your throat and warms you up after being in the cold outside."

Reunion at SeaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora