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"I know you two probably think I'm a cynic." Eugene said as they walked.

"Oh, definitely, and that's me talking." Varian nodded.

"You're not a cynic, Varian, you were a skeptic." Eugene corrected.

"Uh, have you seen my life? It makes one pretty cynical!" Varian gestured dramatically.

"Oooh, another riddle!" Rapunzel said excitedly. "'Remove a piece and I increase'." She lowered her map and reached into a hole under the plaque.

"Whoa, wait!" Eugene protested.

"Wow, that's trusting." Varian commented.

Whatever she did, the door opened and they walked through.


"Well, at least Rapunzel's having fun." Varian said as they watched her shoot a banana at a button to open a door.

"Heh, yeah." Eugene smiled fondly. "You know, I think she's been in need of a distraction."

"Oh, definitely." Varian nodded.

"I mean, yes, the imminent threat of the Moonstone possibly destroying her is gone, but she's got something even more stressful to worry about. Her dad." Eugene sighed heavily. "I still can't believe that he did that...but, I saw the scars with my own eyes, so...I guess I have to."

"Imagine how I felt. First I'm thrown out into a raging blizzard by the Royal Guard, then suddenly I'm being called a traitor, and then men following the King's order are harassing me and then..." He sighed and wrapped his arms around himself. "I thought Corona was a good and just and kind place. How could I have been so stupid? Corona has always hated me..."

Eugene pulled him close and hugged him. "Not everyone in Corona does."

Varian smiled a bit.

"Guys, come on!" Rapunzel called.

They hurried after her and Demanitus.


"Uhm, Eugene?" Varian asked as he walked behind Rapunzel. "You don't...have to make it more difficult. I mean, unless you're having fun crawling through the hole?"

"Yes, Varian, I'm having loads of fun." Eugene said from inside the rock wall next to them.

"Well, as long as you're having fun!" Rapunzel giggled, then finished solving the puzzle that opened the door for them to go through.

They stepped out just as Eugene came out of the hole, covered in cobwebs. Rapunzel laughed as she and Varian helped remove them and checked him for any spiders before they moved on.


Demanitus led them along until he stopped and pointed ahead of them. In front of them was a narrow crystal tightrope of a bridge that reached out to a little island with a locked box, the scroll visible inside. Below was a pit of what looked like boiling acid.

"The fourth piece of the scroll!" Rapunzel said excitedly, hugging them both. "We did it!"

Demanitus chattered a bit, then shook his head. "Ugh. We better hurry."

"We're running out of time?" Varian looked at him anxiously. "Already?"

"There's a sign here." Eugene looked at it. "'Before thou claim thy glory, have faith the crystal bridge shall lead to thy quarry. Use the key to unlock, after thy faithful walk'." Eugene looked at Demanitus. "It's really not your best work."

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