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They reached the mainland and Rapunzel got them safely through the docks, feeling a twinge of guilt about letting all these criminals loose on the mainland. Varian released Eugene and Maximus and then went off with Andrew and Lady Caine somewhere in the port town.

"Right...let's go see about finding him a bed." Eugene said, rubbing at his wrists. "Even though, for the record, I am completely against him rooming with Rapunzel and am only putting up with it because Cassandra would kill him if he tried anything."

"Eugene!" Rapunzel looked at him. "Varian isn't going to hurt me!"

"And I can't kill him." Cassandra frowned. "Corona would be destroyed if I did."

"Well, you can at least keep him from trying anything." Eugene sighed heavily.

"Bed." Rapunzel walked off. "You know, so he doesn't have to share with anyone."

After a quick trip to the market, where they stocked up on food, got a new bed (and bedding) and repaired the caravan's wheel after a mishap with Hookfoot's hook damaged it earlier, they were ready to go. Well, as soon as the newest and youngest member of their traveling party showed up.

When he finally did, he'd gotten a change of clothes that actually properly fit him. He wore a brown vest over a white blouse and tan pants that tucked into black boots and his usual black gloves were on his hands. He carried a bag that no doubt held his other clothes and was wearing a new apron around his waist and his goggles were on his head. His hair, which had grown to his shoulders in Rapunzel's absence, was tied back in a ponytail. Ruddiger was wrapped around his shoulders, content in his place, and Lady Caine and Andrew both had small boxes in their arms as they walked next to him.

"Alright, then." Andrew said as they approached them. "Let's get him loaded up."

"What's in the boxes?" Cassandra asked suspiciously.

Varian raised an eyebrow. "What good is an alchemist without his tools? Plus, I didn't exactly pack anything before I went on the prison barge."

"It's okay." Rapunzel smiled. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's fine. Let me help you get these in the caravan." She walked over and opened the door to the girls' (and Varian's) side.

Varian smirked and they walked over to put in his things. Varian stepped inside and looked around at the place fully before he walked over and sat on the bed, looking surprised.

"What's the matter?" Rapunzel asked.

"It's's soft." He glanced away.

Andrew and Lady Caine walked over to sit with him. "You gonna be okay?" Andrew smiled.

Varian nodded. "I'll be fine." He got up. "Well, uhm...I guess all that's left is the goodbyes."

"Come on, the others are waiting." Lady Caine rubbed his head and then they all left the caravan together.

Rapunzel sighed and looked at the bed they'd just left, briefly thinking of the cot that he'd been sleeping on and feeling guilty about leaving him to that fate. She sighed and then stepped outside to watch him say goodbye to the people he'd been living with for seven months, or however long they were on the ship together, while her group all went into the caravan, Eugene taking the reins.

Finally, he left the crowd of criminals and walked over to join them and they saw Cleo fly over and land on top of the caravan to land next to Owl, who gave her a stink-eye.

"Alright. That's that, then." Rapunzel nodded. "Next stop, anywhere." She went into the caravan with Cassandra and Varian went in last, walking over to sit on his cot while Cassandra shut the door. Then they were leaving, and Varian watched out the window until they left the little port-town. Then he sighed and got up to open one of the boxes, pulling out a book and sitting down on his cot to read it.

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