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It was late at night, all was quiet. Even Owl had settled down for a nap. Suddenly, the air was pierced by the heart-shattering scream of terror and pain from a child.

Varian thrashed in his sleep, unaware of the fact that he was waking everyone around him. As far as he know, he was chained to a table, his shirt tossed to the side as he bit back cries that escaped in the waking world.


"This would all stop if you would just give in, Varian."

"Nngh...nnngh..." Another strike to his back, he could taste blood on his tongue as he bit his lip to keep from screaming.

The hateful face stared down at him, and then the whip halted as the man before him reached out to grip the teenager's face. "I don't understand why you're being so stubborn. What I have offered you is better than the fate you have down here."

"What you have offered me..." he managed through teeth clenched in pain, "is isolation, complete lack of sunlight, and my skills put to your private use, never to have any say over what you do with my creations. I'd rather die than make anything for you, Frederic."

"You would do well to show me respect, boy." The King of Corona said with a warning tone.

"But, I am showing you all the respect you deserve. NONE!" Varian said, then spit blood at the man's face.

He narrowed his eyes at him, pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off, then stood back, staring him down. "Continue."

Varian glared at him, clenching his teeth again in anticipation of the pain, biting back another scream. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He'd never let him hear him scream or cry, never again.


"Varian!" Rapunzel fussed over him as he continued to thrash and scream, tears slipping down his cheeks. "I-I don't know what to--"

"Here, let me." Lance came over and gently lifted Varian into his arms, holding him against his body. "It's alright, Varian. It's alright. I'm here. It's Lance. you're safe."

"L-Lance...?" Varian whispered weakly.

"That's right." Lance smiled. "Lance, your buddy. It's just a nightmare." He assured him, sitting down and rocking him gently.

Varian slowly opened his eyes, his gaze blank, and then gasped and jerked away before he scrambled out of his hold and ran to curl up in a corner, looking at them with wide, unfocused eyes. Rapunzel started to get up, but Lance held out a hand and shook his head. Varian's gaze slowly grew focused, filled with recognition, and then he got up, grabbed some alchemy supplies and went outside.

"Let's give him a bit of time." Rapunzel said, watching as Lance stepped out after him. "Or...not?"

"He's got this." Eugene sighed. "Geez, though, that was horrific."

Rapunzel nodded grimly.

They ended up staying up until Lance came back in, Varian fast asleep in his arms. "I'm going to take him to my bed." He whispered, "we'll figure out what to do for him sleeping alone tomorrow."

"Good idea." Eugene nodded, moving his arms from around Rapunzel and getting up. "See you tomorrow, Sunshine."

She smiled and nodded. "Sleep well."


The next morning, Varian acted like nothing had happened. And really, to him, that was normal. He had warned them about it, had known it would happen, because he was so used to it. And it was best for them to not talk about it, though Rapunzel wanted desperately to know what he was dreaming about. She knew it involved prison and her father, possible of when he got those horrible scars, but there was so much she didn't know. What offer was made that he "had to refuse"? What did her father want of Varian?

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