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Now in the Capital, which had been warded by the Saporians, Varian released the armor from around his body and sighed as he stopped using his powers at all. Then he took off his glove and examined his hand before starting to pull it back on.

"Wait." Clyde reached out and took his bare hand. "I don't think I've ever done this."

Varian chuckled. "Yeah, I..." he sighed, "I was told to never remove my gloves, and now I know why, feels weird to have my hands bare."

Clyde let go of his hand, pulled off his glove, and then took his hand in his again. ", this is what it feels like when bare hands touch."

"Feels a little...indecent. Like we're doing something forbidden." Varian chuckled.

"Want to remove the other one?" Clyde suggested.

"Let's, uh, go sit down." Varian suggested.

They walked over and sat down at the fountain, then removed the other glove from each of their hands, putting their gloves in their pockets before they reached out and touched hands unobstructed. "Whoa..." Clyde breathed, "this...feels amazing."

Varian smiled and scooted closer, lacing his fingers with Clyde's. The taller boy blushed and smiled, squeezing his hands a bit as they touched their heads together. "I can't help but feel like dad's gonna come up at any moment and tell me to put my gloves back on." Varian admitted quietly.

"Well, we could...and remove them later, in private." Clyde whispered.

"Okay, that sounded indecent." Varian chuckled.

Clyde blushed. "Shit, you're right."

Varian laughed and uncurled his fingers. Clyde did the same and they pulled apart to put their gloves back on. "So...lunch?" Clyde suggested.

"Sounds great, you paying?" Varian grinned.

"Sure." Clyde smirked and got up. Varian got up as well and they headed down the street. "You know, it's nice not having to carry your cape anymore."

"Weren't you saying you liked doing that?" Varian smirked.

"Mmm, true. But, I mostly miss having to carry you." He then grinned and lifted Varian over his shoulder, earning a yelp.

"Clyde! Put me down!" Varian cried as he was carried along. "C-C'mon, not in front of everyone! Put me down!"

Clyde laughed and shifted his position so he was cradled in his arms bridal-style, instead. "Better?"

"Geez!" Varian pushed against him. "I can walk!"

"You are capable, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you do it." Clyde grinned. "Not when my big, strong arms are here to carry you through the street, pipsqueak."

"Knock it off, beanpole! People are staring!" Varian said, blushing.

Clyde chuckled and carried him to a cafe, where he set him down in a chair at an outside table. "Anything in particular you want?"

Varian sighed. "Surprise me." He smiled a bit.

Clyde did a finger-gun and clicked his tongue before he went into the cafe. Varian sighed softly and chuckled a bit, clasping his hands together as he thought of the feeling of Clyde's hands against his skin. It had been only two years since they last met, but it felt like longer between everything Varian had gone through and how much Clyde had grown. He'd gained a lot of muscle bulk, and he was already pretty strong from his farm work, and he was even more handsome than when they were kids and Varian was trying to deny he had feelings for him while they played pranks back and forth on each other. He chuckled a bit, thinking of when he first made his dye alchemy – Clyde had been his test subject, and not a willing one. He'd gone around with blue hair until Varian gave him the alchemy needed to undo it; after laughing his butt off, of course.

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