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The wind was roaring outside as the caravan went down the muddy path. It was bad enough that Adira had opted to sit on Varian's old bed while Hector and his binturongs joined the boys on the other side. Outside, Maximus and Fidella pulled the caravan while the rhino walked alongside the boys' side.

"Poor Max, Fidella and Callan." Varian sighed as he looked out the window "It must be horrible out there..."

"Callan can handle himself." Hector assured him.

Varian sighed, then looked back at his book, looking thoughtful. "Okay, I can't take it anymore."

"Take what?" Eugene asked, looking over.

"What does 'deflower' mean?" Varian asked.

The others got so silent you could hear a pin drop. "Uhm..." Eugene cleared his throat. "Lance, you wanna--"

"No, no way." Lance shook his head. "Uhhh, Hector, you're his uncle." He deflected.

Hector shook his head, his eyes wide.

Shorty snored.

"Well, the kid's got a question, so someone's gotta tell him." Eugene said, his face pink.

Varian stared blankly. "Ooookay." He got up and went to open the door. "Cassandra, what does 'deflower' mean?"

"It means to take someone's virginity. What are you reading that has 'deflower' in it?" Cassandra looked up from sharpening her sword.

"Clementine said that Andrew made a 'Deal' with Lucas to 'protect me from an early deflowering'.'s a sex thing?" Varian asked.

"Yes, Varian, it's a sex thing." Cassandra nodded.

"Oh. Okay." He closed the door and went back to his book.

Hector looked at him and cleared his throat. " haven't had intimate relations with--"

"No, Uncle Hector, Lucas has not had sex with me. All these weird terms, it's confusing!" He went back to his book.

"Oh." Hector nodded. "Good."

"How did you say that with a straight face, Cassandra?" Eugene asked.

"It's not like he was propositioning anyone, he just wanted to know what a word meant. Honestly." Cassandra said with an impatient tone.

With that, they slipped back into a comfortable silence.


Well, comfortable until certain sounds got on everyone's nerves:

Rapunzel was drawing, her quill scratching on the paper.

Cassandra was doing tricks with her sword and fruit.

Adira was sharpening her sword.

Lance was whistling.

Varian was turning pages.

Eugene was grooming himself.

Hector was petting his binturongs, who were purring very loudly.

And Shorty woke up and decided to take a bath in the tub he sleeps in, making a sloshing sound.

All of which was slowly getting on everyone's nerves.

Not to mention the leaks dripping water.

"Eight perfect slices." Cassandra said proudly, then let out a groan. "Ugh, Raps, Adira, do you mind?"

"What?" Rapunzel asked, continuing with what she was doing.

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