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Varian awoke the next morning and blinked blearily at the sounds of shifting rocks. He watched as the rocks curled around him uncurled and then slowly sat up, looking around. He didn't recognize this bedroom, but he got the feeling that it was made for him. Everything was made of black rocks, some blue like the ones making his surprisingly-soft blanket. He moved the blanket to the side and frowned down at himself, seeing his clothes had been changed. His rather relaxed outfit had been changed into a black tunic with a blue belt, black leggings, blue gloves that reached his elbows and knee-high boots. There was also a white cape wrapped around his shoulders, with the Brotherhood symbol on a black clasp connecting them together. He reached up and noticed his goggles had been replaced by a tiara, of all things, though he didn't know the color yet. Also, his hair was perpetually blue and white now.

"Sun, I hope this isn't permanent." He groaned, climbing out of bed. Ruddiger stirred and curled up, yawned, and climbed up onto his shoulders. "Well, let's go see if we can leave this room, huh, Ruddi?" He stepped down and walked over to the door, cringing at the way his new heels clicked on the floor. That was going to be annoying. "Come on, seriously?" He muttered. "Why couldn't you have just left my clothes alone?"

He sighed and pushed open the doors, finding with relief that they opened without trouble, and walked out into the hall of huge statues. He looked behind him and realized his obnoxious cape was trailing behind him a few feet, and also that it had the black brotherhood symbol repeating along the bottom and had a pattern similar to the black rocks all stacked together, only it was white.

"Oh, come on." He muttered, looking forward. "Uhh...which way to the dining room again?" He was feeling kind of hungry, what time was it? Maybe it was time for breakfast. He hoped so, at least.

"Varian, you're awake!" Eugene ran over to him, then stopped and laughed a bit.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing, nothing!" He snickered.

"Whaaaaat?" Varian put his hands on his hips.

"Okay, okay. You look like you took fashion advice from the Queen of Arendelle!" Eugene bust up laughing.

"Hey, I didn't pick this!" Varian argued. "The Moonstone did!"

Eugene just laughed harder. Varian glared at him before his expression softened a bit. "Yeah, okay." He sighed. "I guess it does look like I got fashion advice from Queen Elsa of Arendelle." He rolled his eyes.

Eugene nodded, snickering now. "It looks great, though! Magical clothing suits you!"

"Oh, bite your tongue. Is it time for breakfast yet? I'm hungry." Varian sighed heavily.

"Yeah, come on. I was on my way to see if I could wake you up." Eugene chuckled.

"As soon as I figure out how to manipulate the rocks, this stupid outfit is going. Or at least this dumb cape." Varian huffed, which only made Eugene burst into a fit of laughter again.


"Varian!" Rapunzel got up from her seat and ran over to hug him, then blinked and looked at his clothes. "Uhm--"

"I know, I know, I look ridiculous." Varian waved it off. "The whole 'magical makeover' is freaking me out, too."

" looks good!" Rapunzel giggled. "I've just never had to deal with something like this!"

"Yeah, well, your magic thing isn't sentient and apparently taking fashion advice from Queen Elsa of Arendelle." Varian rolled his eyes and Rapunzel giggled. "What's with this cape?!"

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