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"The hamlet of Pincosta." Rapunzel said as they looked towards a large city. "Known for its warm smiles, hearty handshakes and world-famous Pincostan Pecan Pie!"

"Mmm, and also its severely-strict justice system that is almost worse than Corona's!" Varian remarked, poking his head out of the window. "No thanks, some of us have Wanted posters, Princess, even the reformed of us."

"Oh, come on." Rapunzel looked at him with a pout.

"Here's an idea. Why don't I stay out of town with the famous Flynn Rider and Lance Strongbow and you guys can all go in and pick up some of that famous pie or whatever else you want to do?" Varian said in his threateningly-cheerful way.

Lance cleared his throat from inside where he was playing cards with Varian. "He's got a point, Princess, Eugene and I still have, uh, records in some places."

Eugene sighed. "I hate to agree with the little terrorist, but he's right. I'm pretty sure I've been to Pincosta before and, you know, did a 'job'. Can't remember what it was, but I know I did one."

"Wasn't it the Eye of Pincosta? You stole it with your partner in crime at-the-time, the Baroness Staylan." Varian said casually. Eugene stared at him blankly. "What? I was a fan, remember? I thought you were the guy in the book. I learned everything possible about you from people visiting Corona."

"Ugh, Stalyan." Rapunzel rolled her eyes. "Wait, you memorized stuff about Eugene?"

"Weird topic to obsess over." Cassandra remarked.

"Flynn Rider, Princess. As for Eugene Fitzherbert, I don't know much about him aside from him being your boyfriend that was posing as Flynn Rider for years. So, I guess I did memorize stuff about 'Eugene', up to the point that he gave up his persona." Varian went back to his game of cards.

"Man, you needed a hobby." Hookfoot commented from his spot in the skylight on the other side of him.

"Studying Flynn Rider was my hobby." Varian replied.

"So...scenic route?" Eugene suggested.

"We have to go in, Eugene." Rapunzel sighed. "We need to get food."

"So, we'll do what the kid suggested and us Wanted criminals will stay out here with the caravan while you guys go do that." Eugene nodded. "Yes, that's the best plan. That way, I avoid Pincosta entirely. Besides, we've got food!" He pulled out a bag. "Look how full this thing is!" He paused, realizing it was moving like something was breathing inside of it. "Shorty's in here, isn't he?"

"Just five more minutes, mom..." Shorty said.

"Darn, I thought we left him at that lake." Varian commented.

Rapunzel sighed. "Alright...we'll go with Varian's plan. Cass, Hookfoot, Shorty and I will go into the hamlet to get food and you three will stay out here and...I guess, bond?"

"Right! We'll be waiting out here!" Eugene declared.


In retrospect, Eugene thought, he had underestimated how unnerving it would be to be alone with Lance and Varian, the former of which was apparently testing Varian's knowledge of Eugene's criminal life.

"Okay, okay, so how about this one?" Lance started.

"Lance, I think that's enough." Eugene cleared his throat. "Is anyone else thirsty? I'm pretty thirsty. Hey, isn't The Glass Sipper near here? Why don't we go get a drink?"

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