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Rapunzel went outside and stood in the wasteland. "You know, this kind of reminds me of the wasteland outside Corona in that dream." She said to Varian, who was next to her.

"Are you sure you can fix this?" Varian asked.

"I don't know until I try." She let down her hair.

He reached out and took her hand. "Maybe I can help you. We'll say the incantation together. you could use the moon's magic when linked with it. Maybe I can help you use the Sun's if I hold your hand."

"Maybe." She smiled, squeezing his hand in hers. "Okay...ready?"

He nodded, and then they started to sing in unison, waves of energy coming out of their bodies and spreading out over the land. "Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the Fates' design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine. What once was mine."

The waves of energy coming out of their bodies merged together, yellow and blue, and their bodies were glowing with waves whipping around them as they lifted into the air together, repeating the song again and again as the waves grew more intense, their bodies glowing brighter and brighter until they were only a blue and yellow light side by side. They turned to each other and held hands and the colors started to swirl together, a marvel for anyone that saw it.

Then a burst of energy was sent out and the Dark Kingdom became fertile and full of life again. They hovered in the air a bit longer, then started to fall, both of them unconscious.

"Whoa!" Eugene ran over with Adira and they caught each of them.

"They okay?!" Cassandra ran over to them with Lance and Hector.

Eugene checked on Rapunzel, then on Varian. "They're breathing." He assured her. "I think they just passed out." He gently kissed Rapunzel's forehead. "Come on, Blondie." He cooed. "Wake up for me."

"Mm...nn..." She slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at him. "Hi."

"You have got to stop giving me these scares." Eugene said, holding her closer.

Adira gently shook Varian and he moaned softly before he opened his eyes. "Mm...?"

"Morning, sleepy." Cassandra grinned at him. "You're still holding the Princess's hand, you notice that?"

"O-Oh." He let go, and Rapunzel did the same before they looked around. "Whoa..."

"That was amazing." Eugene told them. "I guess that was the 'ultimate power' that happens when the two reunite."

"'In the right hands, it can be used for good. In the wrong hands, it could be inconceivably deadly'." Varian quoted, then looked at Rapunzel. "We can't let the Disciples get our power, not even a little, not again."

Rapunzel nodded. "Well...I don't know about you, but I'm really hungry after all that. Let's go get some food!"

Eugene helped her up and Cassandra offered Varian a hand up. Once he was up, Adira stood up and then they all headed in.

"Seriously, that was amazing. I'll try to describe it, but I don't know if I'd do it justice. Maybe I can attempt to draw it? Oh, but I'm not so good at drawing." Lance said as they walked in.

"How are you feeling?" Rapunzel asked Varian.

"Drained." He rubbed at his head. "Tired. Gonna probably get some food then go lie down again."

Rapunzel nodded. "That's probably a good idea, I'll do that, too."


King Edmund got up from his throne as they came in. "Did you...did it work?" He asked hopefully.

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