"Oh yeah, I can come see you boys crawl around and try to mess up whoever's singing their solo."

Zayn laughed a little, drinking his coffee. "Pretty much. Maybe this weekend before a little date?"

"Sounds fun." I grinned a little, feeling my cheeks get hot.

"Liv?" I heard someone say from behind me. I whipped my head around to see Ben there, ordering at the register.

"Ben?" I was genuinely surprised to see him. He had been on my mind lately. "What are you doing here?"

Ben gave me a weird look. "Liv, I'm not your ex boyfriend. I'm your brother." He smirked a little as I couldn't help but laugh. I was talking to him in such a way. He came over towards our booth and gave me a quick hug.

"You have a bad day?" I whispered in his ear.

"Since when do you care for your big brother, squirt?"

"Since now, dork. Better hurry up and tell me before I don't care anymore."

"Tell you at home . . . Maybe." He kissed my head then looked up at Zayn, saying hi like guys do with their handshakes and all. He looked back at me, wiggling his eyebrows. I pushed him away before he could say anything else as he cackled, walking away with his beverage to go after exchanging a few words with Elaine as she danced around the cafe, jamming along to 'Come Together'. Ben and her danced a little playfully, making me grin once I saw them. The people inside with us were laughing and smiling at the two.

Zayn and I danced around ourselves, when 'All You Need Is Love' came on. Zayn insisted he wasn't much of a dancer but I immediately started to intimidate how he danced in that one YouTube video. I failed miserably and Zayn showed me up, rocking his hips making himself laugh.

"Yeah, I'm Zayn Malik and I don't dance." I said in my best guy voice, rolling my eyes with a small laugh.

"I'm Olivia Devine and I can't dance." He teased.

"Cool kids don't dance."

"You been going through my closet haven't you?" 

"I like to sleep in that shirt. Deal with it, Malik." I stuck my tongue out at him. "And I can so dance!"

"Then show me, girlie."

Zayn and I swayed to the music. I showed him how to waltz like my mom taught me in preparation for her sister's wedding. He failed miserably the first couple minutes, stepping on my toes. I thought it was cute and I reassured him that I was alright through gritted teeth, not wanting to break his heart and critize his whole form. We only stayed a little longer until I realized it was getting late. He caught me dozing off in the booth. His chuckle made me jerk my head back up, as I focused back on him. I blinked slowly as he laughed a little.

"Let's head home. You're obviously tired." He helped me out of the booth as I reluctantly followed, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Sorry. I'm tired and I have homework, Zayn." I sighed a little, looking up at him as he paid for our drinks and the warm, gooey cinnamon roll we shared. "Unless you wanna help me . . .?" I perked up a little.

"Sorry, babe. It's all you." He pecked my lips as I pouted. Elaine giggled.

"Please? I might have some art stuff you can help with?" I was tugging on his arm like a little child now.

"You're cute." He said, and I sighed, realizing my puppy dog eyes weren't working. "Did I mention you look really cute in your uniform?"

I blushed a little as he kissed my cheek with a small laugh. The little spot tingled from where his lips once were. 

"You're sweet. Since you're not gonna help me just take me homeee." I whined childishly as Zayn rolled his eyes. He then bursted out into "Kiss You", my request turning into a song now as we walked out the doors. I waved goodbye to Elaine as I slid in Zayn's car, holding his hand as he protectively kept an eye out for paparazzi.

As he drove me back to my house, I wondered what was going on with Ben. Zayn gave me a goodbye kiss, and a big hug as my mind racked about Ben. Whenever I was in his arms, I completely forgot about everything. I could just lie with him and just forget everything.

But as soon as he let go, I worried about Ben again. I wished I could stay in Zayn's arms forever but I couldn't. He kissed my head after walking me to my door. Turning the knob, I prayed he was home and not to busy with his preparation for college. Maybe he was stressed about that.

Was there anything at all going on with him? I'd find out.

I promised to listen. Now I would.


If you haven't heard Thrift Shop yet, omg i feel sorry for you. It's on the side and it's the funniest song ever. Don't worry, it's the clean version. :)

the response I've gotten from this story is just amazing. i've had at least three girls who struggle with being deaf tell me how much they love this story and that they can relate to it so much. warms my heart really. :) <3

vote, comment, etc. enjoy the little Zayn gif on the side. aww, isn't he a charmer? lol okay! I shall update again soon. how many parts does this story have? maybe this will be a long Zayn fan fic. idk. i'm thinking outloud. till next time! much love to you all. <3 xo

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