Chapter 65

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"I thought you needed to go," Those were the last words I spoke to him.

"No, now," His mouth captured mine and silenced me. I sigh and turn around again, not being blessed with the rest of a long night's sleep. I curl around my sheets, huffing noisily. The only sounds are my complaining groans; absolute silence. Corbyn left a couple of hours ago. I heard doors opening and shutting, muffled whispers, a few fragments of mute conversations, rapid steps, till, eventually, the front door locked, banishing all the sounds and soft voices that echoed. I check the time on my phone; it's an hour past midnight. I put my earbuds in my ears and a sweet and rhythmic melody graces me, relaxing my nerves.

The familiar buzzing sound of my phone against the mattress wakes me up. Yawning, I grasp the device. A blocked ID flashes at the screen; I roll my eyes falling back in the bed. I spin throwing my phone in my back. After three missed calls that got on my nerves, I pick it up. Though, before I can say a word, I hear a girl moaning. My eyes widen. I grimace and hang up, feeling disgusted. I drop my phone and stare at the ceiling. My screen flashes a moment later, depicting a white shade at my ceiling. Being ready, I will turn it off, a message appears.

Your boyfriend's reputation in bed is underestimated.

A frown marries my face. Before my mind can process the news, a new message pops into the chat; a photo. A couple is upon a bed; a brunette girl is under a boy's muscular body, his back occupying the most space of the image. I follow her visible hand as it's buried in his hair. My heart halts and races at the sight. My lips part at the sight of the extraordinary blonde. My chest aches while I find difficulty breathing. I choke placing my hands in my neck as if to free some air into and out of my body. The same blocked ID phones me but I decline. I stand up, pacing up and down my room. I eye the phone in my bed walking faster and faster at the same rhythm of my heartbeat. I tug at my hair.

There's no way he would cheat on me; not after everything we have been through. Here he was earlier, lying next to me and confessing his undying love for me. This can't be true. I dial his phone number with trembling hands and place it in my ear, hating the waiting sound that echoes within me, sending a punch of fright in the pit of my sickening stomach.

The moment he picks up, I freeze. Moans and groans echo at the other side of the speaker. A stranger's voice moans Corbyn's name a couple of times before I jolt upright and drop the device on the ground. I stare back at it clueless. I'm frozen in my feet, hearing the beating of my own heart loud clear as the endless darkness of the night envelops my body as well as my heart.

Corbyn's POV.

The annoying sound of alarm jerks me awake. I open and close my lids a couple of times in order to adjust to the light that creeps into the room. I find Jacob sleeping in his stomach, snoring lightly at the bed opposite mine as the alarm rises in volume. I throw him a pillow. He jolts upright when the pillow hits him.

"Shut it down," I shout. "That fucking..." I mumble. I turn on the other side of the bed, sensing my muscles scream in pain. I hated this bed; my whole body aches. I stand up and walk right into the bathroom at the end of the hallway. I didn't think I would ever be grateful for all those nights I got laid and smoked everything that is sold out there with Cyle. I know every corner of this house.

The cold water scrapes my body, waking me up. I wrap a white bath towel around my waist before exiting. I knock at Cyle's door. His swollen face appears after an eternity. He yawns as if he's about to swallow the universe; his eyes barely open.

"What?" I roll my eyes.

"I want a change of clothes." He nods and disappears into the room. Though, he leaves the door open, revealing a sleeping girl at his bed. I clench my teeth; this should have been me. This is where I should have been last night too, next to my girl. Her fake eyelashes flop up and down her cheekbones as she wakes up. Her make-up is smashed all over her face and I miraculously recognize her. I have slept with her once. When she notices me standing, she supports her weight at her shoulders sitting up. She smiles, attempting to appear sexy and my stomach turns in disgust. I roll my eyes.

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