Chapter 13

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Strads of bright sunlight creep into the room at the edges of the heavy curtains. Small paths of light have marked the walls around the wide window. I turn on my side admiring my angel as he sleeps. I lean in hearing his low breathing entering and exiting his kissable full lips. I chew my plump bottom lip watching him thoroughly.

"I know you're staring at me," I frown. His eyes flutter and I shut my lashes pretending to be asleep. A few seconds pass in silence till I peek only to find his sky blue eyes on mine. I giggle and a grin unfolds on his mouth.

"I wasn't staring," I say. "I was just gazing around your room,"

"Sure you did," He draws me to him connecting our bodies into one. His lips caress mine as my fingers rest on his chest.

"Can I take a shower?" His eyes flash with utter excitement as he smirks. He stands up taking me with him. His hand grips mine while the other turns the knob. Sunlight peers into the room as we enter the sunlit corridor. I blink a few times in order to adjust my eyes to the lightning.

"You don't have to come with me. Just tell me where it is," I propose remembering how spacious his home is.

"I'm taking a shower with you," He flashes me a grin that sends quivers on my body.

"What?" I tug at his hand standing in front of him. "No, no, no, I'm taking one on my own. I don't want to..."

"Why are you stalling? Let's go," He pushes me backward. My eyes widen as I start rambling in a failed attempt to change his mind.

"No, please Corbyn. I can't do it. I just want to take a quick shower. There's no need to come. I will be downstairs in five minutes. Why don't you go eat something? I'm sure you must be starving by now,"

"If," He slurs. "If you had called my baby, I might have even considered it. But now, I won't." I stumble on my own feet but Corbyn's tight grip steadies me.

"I never call you that," I retaliate.

"Your mistake,"

"Corbyn!" I call out. "You can't just expect me to..."

A throat clearing slices our conversation in half; it stops our steps and I see as my angel's eyes look at someone past me. I whirl around rapidly.

A tall woman stands in the middle of the hallway. The sun makes her long blonde strands gleam like gold; it falls in dense waves on her shoulders. Her green eyes are circled by thick lashes that are painted by light rose. A red dress hugs her curves gracefully as her shoulders are exposed to the sun that makes her skin glow too. It takes me a few seconds to recognize her yet when I do; my lips part in shock. Corbyn's mother.

"We need to talk," Her voice is severe and cold. I don't remember my own mum ever speaking to me in that tone. Her eyes are a blank mirror of Corbyn and me tangled up in each other's arms. Her eyes aren't dominated by any emotions, they just depict us. I would expect her to hug him and squeeze him in her warm embrace but he doesn't take a step towards us.

"I have nothing to say to you," Corbyn says, and chills run down my spine. Sensing it, my angel glides his arms around me and my body leans on his.

"I do,"

"I don't give a shit. I have nothing to say to you. You just fucking came here to mess things up like you always do. But I'm done. Now get out!" Corbyn's voice roses and I flinch.

"This is my house," She corrects narrowing her eyes.

"Not for long," Her eyes wide in fury as she crosses her rigid arms in front of the chest. Her eyes fall from Corbyn's and meet mine.

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