Chapter 68

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The sound of the termination of the period bounces around the walls of the class, signaling a new sea of shouty voices and noises of feet scraping the ground.

"Time is up," Her voice is the only thing that surpasses the chaos. I let the pen slip away from my fingers and fall into the full answered white sheet. As soon as I exit the classroom and enter the busy hallway, his angelic voice graces my ears.

"How did it go?" He leans upwards from the wall he was resting his weight.

"Good," I smile before his lips lock with mine in a lingering kiss. "I think,"

"That confident?" His arm encircles my waist as we begin to walk towards the cafeteria.

"I'm so excited for this weekend. I'm so tired of these tests," I complain. This week we have had so many tests; I missed so many hours of sleep.

"To be honest, I'm fucking exhausted of all of this too," His tone has a certain undertone of anger. I know this week has been very difficult for him; the endless hours with my uncle, the courts combined with the stress and pressure applied on his shoulders have been too much, even for me.

He pushes the wide double doors open. The chaos of the cafeteria momentarily overwhelms me till we reach our table between the loud chairs. I sit in a free one next to Corbyn and drop my bag on the ground.

From the corner of my eye; I catch some decorations hanging up the walls. The school year is starting to come to an end. The preparations for the graduation ceremony have officially begun. The atmosphere of freedom has initiated to paint the school air. I can't believe my school years are ending.

My angel places a plate of food in front of me before sitting down himself. I wrap my fingers around the hot cup of chocolate and bring my legs to my chest. I'm so exhausted; these past days have been endless. Eva is discussing a test with Anna and Martha as Blare stares stubbornly at her phone while the voices of the boys are hovering over the girl's talk.

"Man, you should have seen her, she was..." Blare's eyes fire up at Jacob's, yet, before I can ask her if everything is okay, arms wind me. I didn't even notice him turning his chair towards me.

"Not hungry?"

"Not really," I mutter, offering him a faint smile. His eyes narrow.

"What's wrong?" His fingers stroke my hair while he frees my face from it, offering him a clearer vision of my face.

"I must be under the weather; I'm not feeling so good," His eyebrows connect before he pecks at my forehead.

"You're good," He reassures me. "Do you want me to give you a ride home? You don't have to stay,"

"No, it's fine," I smile. "Three more hours, I can handle it." I nod. His lips peck at mine.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" I shake my head at his question. "I'm just saying, maybe you're stressed."

"I am," I agree. "All those tests this week have..."

"No, no, I'm not talking about the tests. I'm talking about the applications." He titles his head at the side. He's right. I have been thinking about them over and over again, but I can't control the outcome no matter how much I wish I could. Although, these tests have helped get my mind off of the applications and more into studying. I guess I should be grateful.

"I'm a bit, I know I can't change anything now," I murmur. "It's just...I can't help but worry. I mean, I'm happy we have our backup, though, we still haven't heard anything from New York,"

"I know," He acknowledges. "But we will. Don't stress out. We have our one option ready for us already." His last sentence blesses my lips with a grin.

"I know," I mouth. "I know," His face reflects mine rapidly. He grips my chaw as our lips lock. Sweet goosebumps kill me softly.

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