Chapter 48

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Velvety, small delicate kisses wake me from my heavenly deep sleep. I sense his lips leave their silky marks on my forehead and cheeks. His fingers raise my chin before his mouth captures mine. His fingertips follow the line of my spine creating quivers of desire in me. Drops of heated passion fall on my skin when he tugs my hair in the back of my head. I lift my hands and place them at the sides of his face. I readjust my position on top of him; each of my knees at either side of him. His tongue pries its way to mine yet not in the way I assumed. I follow his tongue as it moves hungrily and lustfully inside my mouth. His hands grip my waist to pull closer to his craving body.

He sits up, abruptly, having me in his lap. If he hadn't held me onto him forcefully, trapping me in his arms, he would have knocked me over the bed. I twine my arms around his neck and bring my hands in his blonde and messy strands.

He breaks the kiss panting with wide eyes. I frown.

"Has he been here before?" His raspier voice makes my body burn.

'What?" I mutter confusedly. "Who?"

"Your ex-boyfriend,"

"What?" I whisper. "You were kissing me and thought..." His lips land on me as he leans on me more.

"Just answer the goddamn question." He orders upon my lips before gazing up. "And no, I was too busy thinking other things," I roll my eyes.

"Yes, but not like that," I reply. "We used to hang out or study,"

"Did you sleep with him?" I gasp at his question.

"I have told you my first time was with you," I blink, scowling.

"No, have shared the bed with him in sleep?"

"No," I shake my head, recalling the downcast green eyes and despondent expression on his face when I told him I wasn't allowed. "He never stayed over. My first time sleeping with a boy was actually with you," A grin unfolds on his lips in utter victory, and pride, erupting my giggle. "My parents were strict about boys."


"Good?" I repeat, giggling.

"Yea, he has already stolen enough firsts from me," I seal my lips, but I'm unable to bottle up the burst of laugher that fills my room that is bathed in the morning strong sunlight.

"My firsts? He has only my first kiss and make-out," I argue. "The rest is with you,"

"It better be," He smirks, and I roll my eyes. I peck his lips before scrambling off of the bed. He grabs my wrist stopping my movement.

"Where are you going?"

"To make some breakfast," I reply. I eye his body falling back down the mattress, noisily, and his lively eyes meet mine.

"This isn't why I woke you," He snickers, and I sense the wave of flaming redness covering my cheeks again. He leans up resting his weight on his elbow and tilting his head to the side, he smirks while his eyes travel up and down my body.

"There it is," He notices and I narrow my eyes. I grasp a pillow from the floor and toss it towards him. His infectious and loud laugher is more than enough to make my day. However, before I can enjoy it, he stands up with his angelic speed coming to me. I run to the door, exiting the room giggling. At the bottom of the stairs, I hear his voice.

"You won't be that lucky the next time," A shiver of desire possesses me and I bite my lip. I head towards the kitchen to cook something for breakfast. During my preparation, my mind can't stop thinking about what happened last night. While I was asleep, Corbyn was battling my fights. I still can't believe what they accused him of. Melancholy along with the dark sentiment of a sin troubles my thoughts. I'm so deep in my thoughts that I don't see him coming. His arms envelop me from behind and stick me to his chest. His lips kiss my cheek before he whispers.

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