10 | it's not a date

Start from the beginning

I slip on some boxing gloves and start hitting the punching bag. Now, who's face should I imagine hitting?

Maybe Kylian's face. He did push me into a pool. I can't forget that.

Why not my family's killer? Do I know what they look like? Well... no. But whatever.

I've been trying to find that person for years, even Isiah tried to help but to no avail. I just hope they're still alive so I can be the one to kill them.

They ruined my life. I was sixteen. Who even wants to kill a sixteen-year-old? Bet they were just jealous of my amazing skills.

Like if you wanted to get better, you could have just asked me to teach you. No need to kill my parents.

I hope they're doing good six feet under. The casket better not be rotting or some shit.

The killer could be anyone, I think to myself. It literally could be my great-great-grandma who came back from the dead to kill them.

Why? Yeah, don't ask me. Ask her.


"Rory!" I hear someone yell. That can only be one person considering only one person calls me that instead of Ivory. Kylian Mbap- De Luca.

"There you are," he says, letting out a breath as he heads in my direction but I just ignore him and continue to punch the poor bag.

If he's here, how long have I've been training for? There's sunlight shining in through the windows, Ivory. Oh. Did I seriously not notice that?

"You realise I'm talking to you, right?" he scoffs. Well, no.

I finally stop what I'm doing and turn to face him. "You realise I'm ignoring you, right?"

"Watch your attitude, darling," he chuckles, his lips tugging up into a smile. What's funny about this? Except for his face- I really need to stop.

"Yeah?" I tilt my head slightly, taking off the gloves. "Or what?"

"Hit me," he shrugs, taking a step towards me. Is he mentally okay?

"Not trying to hurt your ego but do you want to get hurt?" I genuinely question. I mean, I don't mind hitting him. But he's asking me to do it? I think he's gone mad.

Without warning, he pulls out a gun. Does this man always have a gun on him? I immediately twist it out of his hands and toss it away.

"Nice reflexes," he smirks. Don't say it- oh, why not? "That's what she said," we both blurt out at the same time.

I thought he hated that phrase? What is up with him and his obsession with copying me.

"You've got to stop copying me," I huff. "Yeah? Or what?" he copies my words from earlier.

You see, this is why I hate him one hundred percent. He's annoying, cocky, and has the world's biggest ego.

So maybe hitting him isn't so bad after all? I kick him in the stomach and he stumbles back. "Oops?"

"That's it?" he teases. I know he's playing around with me and it's annoying. But am I still going to hit him? Yes. It's fun.

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