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Jungwon and Jay are both out to shop for gifts for the holidays, and it just so happens that they both went to the same mall. Well, it was already a given that they'd be in the same mall since they technically rode the same car and parked in the mall's premises, but they still pretended to be shocked once they spot each other hiding bought items and giving each other the same look on their faces, the expression that says 'you saw nothing.'

Jungwon bought some chocolates for their friends, even buying those shoes they wanted. While Jay also bought clothes for their friends, too. They both thought of the same thing— they'll buy their presents for last.

Truthfully speaking, Jungwon doesn't know what to give Jay, and honestly, neither does Jay!

With their hands filled with newly bought shopping bags, they once again meet each other on an aisle for dog treats. "What're you doing here?" Jungwon narrows his cat-like eyes at Jay.

Jay raises his eyebrow— doing that thing Jungwon finds utterly attractive. "No, what are you doing here?"

"For my baby," Jungwon scoffs playfully and dramatically rolls his eyes.

"I'm also here to buy gifts for Maeumi. I'm also a furdad, you know?" Jay says sassily, matching Jungwon's energy.

"We divorced three years ago and I won custody," Jungwon smirks as he eyes the jar of treats that Maeumi especially likes. Through his peripheral vision, he can see Jay pout.

"Yahhh..." Jay puts his shopping bags down and wraps his arms around Jungwon's waist, back-hugging him. "Baby, not a good joke."

Jungwon tries to pry off Jay's grasp, "yah, sir Jongseong! We're in public," he hisses, his ears turning red as he blush in both embarrassment and shyness. Jay only smiles against his skin as he softly kisses Jungwon's earlobe, a feeling that Jungwon could never get used to as he feels flustered every single time.

"The aisle is empty," the older whispers.

'This is too much for my heart,' Jungwon uses his strong arms to escape Jay's hug. Despite the cold prickling his skin, the warmth that Jay sent all over Jungwon definitely made him feel like the surroundings got hotter. "Aish, I hate you. CCTVs are also a thing, you know!"

Jay giggles, "then they'll know how much I love you. And they'll be like, 'these bijjes gay! Good for them, good for them.'"

"Hyung!" Jungwon glares at him in a lighthearted manner, but a chuckle doesn't fail to escape. "You're done, you're done."

The dark-haired man laughs out loud and pats Jungwon's head. Grabbing the dog treats they've been eyeing, Jay also takes a little Rudolf costume. "Maeumi will look adorable in this."

"He'll look adorable in anything."

"Like you," Jay smiles and boops Jungwon's nose.

"And you!" Jungwon also says, booping Jay's nose.

Jay shyly smiles, feeling his heart skip. He looks around to see that no one else was near the aisle they were in. "Kiss me."

"No!" Jungwon exclaims and leaves with the treats and the Rudolf costume, but Jay trails after him like a lost puppy. "You seriously have no freaking chill, Seongie hyung."

By this time, they've passed by other people as Jay chuckles in a low voice. "You're just too adorable. Sometimes I wanna bite your cheek like you're a chocoball."

"And sometimes I wanna punch your face like you're a cocky high-school bastard feeling gangster looking ass."

"What is your problem with me today?!" Jay jokingly says as they make their way to the cashier.

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