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The first event of Flicker Fest is scheduled during nighttime, so the teams from the three different schools spent the entire day practicing and preparing themselves. It wasn't even a competition, but they knew they had to carry the whole program. After eating their dinner, two of the hosts- students from I&Credible University named Taehyun and Beomgyu announced everybody to gather as the event was starting.

The dance teams were seated on the front row, so they had a full sight of the stage. The I Need U team was wearing clothes of pink and white accents, while the Fake Love team wore black and grey silk. As both teams sat down, the DNA team finally arrived, and they all looked at them. Their clothes were colorful, but it did have the consistency of yellow and red hues.

Though he was seated between Jake and Heeseung, Jungwon locked eyes with Jay after the DNA team sat down beside the I&Credible dancers. Even the subtle eye contact they shared was enough to make Jungwon feel somehow flustered, and Jay smiled at him. Jungwon hastily looked away and then at the stage, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Welcome to this year's Flicker Fest," Jungkook, Calling University's dean, said in the microphone and everybody cheered. "Flicker Fest is a three day event where the three schools, I&Credible University, Calling University, and Chamber 5 University unite and build a connection through music, different kinds of booths, team building and for the final day, sport competitions."

Heeseung looked at Jungwon and nudged him a bit, "hey, good luck for the performance."

Jungwon nodded with a smile, "thanks, Bambi, you too."

After Jungkook's speech, Taehyun and Beomgyu went back to the stage while clapping their hands. "Thank you for the speech, Dean Jeon. Let us now take you to the opening of Flicker Fest... Performances from Chamber 5 University, I&Credible University and Calling University representatives! Let's give a round of applause for the first team, I Need U."

Everybody started clapping and the dancers from Chamber 5 stood up. "Good luck," Heeseung told Jungwon. "Hey, don't trip on the stage," Sunoo jokingly said. Jungwon rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled and he looked at Jay who was already eagerly looking at him. The older gave him an assuring smile and mouthed a 'fighting!', making Jungwon smile and nod.

After the I Need U team went up the stage and readied their positions as rehearsed, Jungwon felt somehow nervous. No, he wasn't usually nervous in front of a big crowd, after all, he went on taekwondo competitions for so long, and he never felt any sort of anxiousness when being on stage, but right now, he felt different.

Maybe it was because he knew Jay was looking at him?

He shrugged it off, and started when the music cued. "Fall, fall, fall..."


Jungwon chugged on a water bottle and handed it to Jake, his eyes watching the Fake Love team walk up the stage to perform. He felt a presence sit down beside him. "You did good," Jay muttered, only audible enough for Jungwon to hear.

"Thanks," Jungwon smiled at him.

"Oh, you two are friends now?"

Jungwon glanced at Jake and playfully rolled his eyes, "shut up."

Jay laughed and didn't say anything more as they diverted their attention to the team performing Fake Love. However, Jungwon's mind was somewhere else. He couldn't seem to focus when Jay was there right beside him, and it felt utterly odd because he tried his hardest to appreciate the good performance of his crush's team, but he couldn't. He didn't even feel flustered when Heeseung did the part in Fake Love's choreography where he had to slightly lift his shirt while dancing.

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