Chapter 22

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For the most part, Jimin was pretty quiet for the rest of the morning

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For the most part, Jimin was pretty quiet for the rest of the morning. Sooyoung couldn't tell what exactly he was up to, but she knew he was meticulously planning.

Now, a few hours later, he is dropping her off at her house so she can get ready.

"I'll pick you up in an hour and a half, okay?" He says as he pulls up in front of her house.

"Okay, see you then." Sooyoung grins, about to get out the car when she realizes something. "Wait, what should I wear?"

"Um.." Jimin pauses to think for a moment. "..something cute but comfortable."

"Got it." She nods dutifully. As she grabs the door handle, she feels a gentle hand on her arm.

"Forgetting something?" Jimin puckers his lips, looking at her with wide, innocent eyes.

Sooyoung giggles, shaking her head. "Sorry, but no more kisses until after the date."

"What? Why?" He whines.

"Because if you kiss me, I'll say yes and then there's no point of the date. I'm not letting you win me over with those lips of yours."

Jimin narrows his eyes at her playfully. "Sounds like you're just trying to torture me."

"I would never do such a thing." She reassures him, patting his shoulder sympathetically. "I'll see you soon!"

Sooyoung exits the car and walks up her front steps with a cheerful grin. Park Jimin just said she's his favorite person and he's taking her on a date today? Life couldn't be better.

Once she's inside her house, she immediately starts to get ready. She knows Jimin has seen all sides of her, both dressed up and dressed down, but she still wants to look nice for their outing.

The first thing she does is hop in the shower. When she's done, the actress heads to her bedroom to pick an outfit.

Cute but comfortable..

The words repeat in her head over and over like a mantra as she stares at her closet. After some time, she settles on a pair of jeans with a black tank top and a long brown trench coat. She pairs that with some combat boots and she's good to go.

As she does her hair and makeup, she calls Ara to update her on the latest events.

"Imagine being able to say you rejected Park Jimin." Ara laughs in disbelief. "You truly are one of a kind, my friend."

"I didn't reject him!" Sooyoung protests, getting close to the mirror so she can properly apply her eyeliner. She hasn't mastered the perfect wing yet and now probably isn't the best time to try, but she's going to do it anyway. "I just..set some standards. I can't let him have it easy just because he's an idol."

"You know what, that's a fair point." Ara agrees. "And kind of a bad bitch move, if you ask me. Did he tell you what you're doing?"

"Nope, it's all a surprise. He also promised me it will be the best date I'll ever go on."

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