Chapter 14

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sooyoung asks warily

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sooyoung asks warily. "We really don't have to do this."

"I'm a hundred and ten percent sure." Jimin grins as the group of six steps foot on the beach. "You guys are good with this, right?"

Taehyung and Elisa nod in agreement.

Tagging along with them is Jungkook, who agreed to be the photographer. Skye also decided to join for moral support.

Jimin's genius plan was to have them partake in a couple's photoshoot, which they would post on Instagram for everyone to see. It would reassure people that Sooyoung is taken and is not, in fact, romantically involved with her costar. It would also let them know that she isn't against the idea of soulmates, which is what many people assumed based on her character's actions in the show.

After Taehyung and Elisa decided to tag along in solidarity, it became more of a double date situation.

"Wow, two of us are revealing our soulmates at the same time." Jimin chuckles to himself. "The internet is gonna go crazy."

"Well we're best friends, aren't we?" Taehyung nudges him playfully. "It's only right that we do this together."

"You know I love you, right?" Jimin smiles softly at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too." Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Aw, my favorite bromance." Skye gushes, pretending to swoon.

"Oh, shut up!" Jimin laughs, kicking some sand at her.

"Alright, Jimin hyung and Sooyoung. You guys are up!" Jungkook announces.

"Oh, uh, okay. What are we doing?" Sooyoung asks as Jungkook pulls out his phone, pointing it at them.

"This first pose is gonna be really simple. You're gonna stand in front of the water and hyung is going to hold you by your waist. Just look into each other's eyes."

Sooyoung isn't sure how well they can pull that off, but she'll try.

"C'mon." Jimin grabs her hand, pulling her away from the group and in front of the water. It is long past noon, so the sun isn't as bright, but it still illuminates them nicely.

He puts his hands around her waist and Sooyoung freezes, suddenly feeling shy in front of all these people. As if he senses how she is feeling, Jimin grabs her arms and loops them around his neck for her. But as soon as she looks into his eyes, she gets too shy and instantly diverts her gaze.

"Soo-yah, I'm not that scary." Jimin chuckles. "Just look at me."

"I can't do it." She laughs, dropping her hands from his neck and covering her face with them instead. "Ugh, maybe this isn't going to work."

"You can do it, you just need practice." Jungkook reassures them. "Hyung, noona, can you model this pose for them?" He asks, nodding his head towards Taehyung and Elisa.

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