Chapter 6

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"Not again

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"Not again.." Sooyoung groans as she steps outside into a sea of reporters.

She ignores their absurd questions as usual, simply hopping in her car so she can get to her radio interview.

The rumors about her and Jaehyun have died down over the past few days, especially after the two of them released official statements regarding the matter. Sooyoung thought the nightmare was over. But after last night's new episode where things started to heat up between their characters on screen, the rumors flared up once again.

Don't these people have anything better to do?

Sooyoung scoffs to herself as she drives off. Just because Yeji and Dohun almost kissed in the show, that doesn't mean the actors are dating in real life. She knew the episode would cause controversy because it's mentioned multiple times that the two characters aren't soulmates. But she didn't think she would have to deal with this nonsense again.

When she arrives at the studio, she sits in the car for a moment so she can call Haewon. She requested that she called when she got there, so she obliged.

"Oh, so you made it there in one piece?" Haewon quickly picks up.

"Barely." Sooyoung scoffs. "They're swarming my house again, I guess last night's episode really riled them up."

"They'll calm down in a few days. As long as you ignore them and don't give them anything else to talk about. We already released a statement and that's that." Haewon reassures her. "In the meantime, I really think you should get yourself a bodyguard."

"I told you I'm fine, I can handle it." Sooyoung insists. "I don't need one."

The suggestion is something Haewon had mentioned multiple times over the past few days. But Sooyoung always declined, telling the woman it was completely unnecessary. Not to mention expensive. Sure, she makes a decent amount of money from the show but not enough to hire full time security.

"Alright, fine." Haewon sighs when she rejects her proposal for the nth time. "Let me know how the interview goes, okay?"

"I will, talk to you later."

They say their goodbyes and Sooyoung makes her way into the studio alone, since this is a solo interview. She's a bit nervous about it, but not as much as usual since she's done quite a few interviews and TV appearances now.

The host is ready for her when she comes in and they instantly get started.

She's asked a plethora of questions, some of them she has prepared for and others catch her completely off guard. One thing she is sure to make clear, however, is that the rumors regarding her and Jaehyun are false.

"We're just friends, that's all." Sooyoung says to Cheonjae, the host, when he asks her about the situation. "We've gotten close because of the show but our relationship is completely platonic."

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