Chapter 5

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Jimin lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he puts his phone down

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Jimin lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he puts his phone down. He can't believe he almost told Sooyoung he was an idol. Was he really about to put his career in jeopardy for a woman he has only known for a couple weeks?

He's almost glad that their conversation was interrupted. Jimin narrowly avoided making an irreversible mistake.

"What's up with you?" Taehyung snorts, giving his best friend a curious look.

"Nothing." He shakes his head, looking down at his lap. "Tell me why you're in my apartment again?"

"Elisa noona left me." Taehyung pouts, laying down perpendicular to his friend and resting his head on his thigh. "She's hanging out with Skye."

Jimin rolls his eyes at his behavior. "You're so dramatic."

Taehyung and Jimin always joked to each other that they were unofficial soulmates. They met in highschool and have been inseparable ever since. So much so that they even made a pact that if they never found their soulmates, they would just live out the rest of their days with each other.

But as soon as Taehyung met Elisa, Jimin knew that was out of the question. Of course he's happy for his best friend, he enjoys seeing him in love. The only issue is that Jimin also wants that for himself. He wants to know what it's like to be completely adored by someone, to be cherished.

He's started to give up hope, though. Three of the other members have found their soulmates already and Jimin figures it will be a while before his comes around, if ever.

"There's definitely something wrong." Taehyung sits up, scrutinizing Jimin with his intense gaze.

After a few moments, the slightly older man sighs in defeat. He knows better than to try to hide something from his best friend.

"I almost did something really stupid, Tae." He confesses.

"You could be talking about so many different things right now." Taehyung chuckles, making Jimin shove his shoulder lightly.

"I'm being serious!" He protests. "I've been texting this girl and I..I almost told her I'm an idol."

"You? Texting a girl?" Taehyung furrows his brows in confusion. "Hold on, I'm confused."

Jimin sighs exasperatedly. "Remember when I got really drunk that one night?"

"When you tried to eat Yoongi hyung's hair and he almost smacked the shit out of you? Yeah, I remember." Taehyung nods.

"Exactly, so I decided to try this thing where people text their number neighbor."

"And it was her number." Taehyung pieces together, starting to catch on.

"Yes, it was her number." Jimin confirms. "So the next day I realized how much of an idiot I was and I apologized and told her I would never speak to her again. But she wanted to keep talking to me."

"And you agreed to it?" Taehyung gives him a disappointed look.

"Tae, she's really nice and funny and she's an ARMY and-"

"She's a fan?" Taehyung interrupts his eyes opening as wide as saucers. "That's even worse!"

"She doesn't know who I am though!" Jimin insists, feeling foolish with the way Taehyung is staring at him. "And she's not going to find out."

"Jimin if she's an ARMY, she probably knows us like the back of her hand." His best friend reasons with him. "Anything you say could give you away."

Jimin pouts, realizing Taehyung is right. He's been trying his best to be careful. He hasn't told Sooyoung anything about his career and is very vague when just talking about himself in general. But if he makes one little slip up, he could be in big trouble.

When Taehyung sees that his friend isn't going to respond, he lets out a sigh. "Okay let's just put that aside for now. How about your feelings towards her?"

"My what?" Jimin blinks, taken aback by the question.

"Your feelings." Taehyung repeats. "Is this just a friendship or do you have feelings for her?"

Jimin had never confronted himself with that question before. Whenever it popped into his mind, he just pushed it right back out. He preferred not to think about it.

"Well I...I don't know. Honestly." His voice is timid, leading Taehyung to believe he's being truthful. "Just don't tell any of the other guys, please."

Taehyung nods, knowing this is something that should be kept a secret for now. If he didn't react well, he's worried about how the other guys might feel about this. "Just be careful, okay?"

"I will." Jimin grins, wrapping his arms around his best friend. It's a relief to know that no matter what happens, Taehyung will always be by his side.

"You better keep me updated on.." He pauses. "Wait, what's her name?"

"Oh, um.." Jimin stalls, trying to make up an answer on the spot. He knows that some of the boys actually watch Sooyoung's show so he doesn't want to give Taehyung her real name. Jimin would hate to make this situation more complicated and messy than it already is. "Her name is Suri."

"Oh okay." Taehyung nods, seeming to believe his lie. "Well keep me updated on her."

Jimin nods dutifully and his friend gets up from the bed, leaving the room.

Once Jimin is alone again, he picks up his phone. He starts to read through the texts with Sooyoung from earlier, easily sympathizing with her situation. He remembers when his group suddenly rose to fame, how the whole world had its eyes on them and they had no idea how to handle it. There's no doubt in his mind that she's feeling the same fear and anxiety he once experienced.

He wants so badly to tell her that she's not alone, that he knows exactly what she's going through. But it's just too risky.

Jimin knows he will have to support her as best as he can without sounding suspicious or revealing his identity.

Much easier said than done.

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