Ch.59 "Pride And Prejudice And My Sleepy Cousin"

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So he actually just woke up.

"And why didn't you take me to the wedding or at least let me know where you two were heading?"

Brandon answered, "You were busy hanging out with Amy for that movie marathon you two were planning all week, I couldn't ruin that for you."

I thought for a second then said, "Thanks, but did you bring me anything?"

He shook his head no.

Amy walked in from the kitchen, carrying two glasses of water. She handed one to me.

I asked, "You took too long."

"I fell asleep on the dining chair."

Poor Amy.

I drank the water.

"You should stay, it's dangerous for you to go home alone," Brandon told Jane. Both of them were still standing at the door.

"Is it because it's 'dangerous' or are you lonely?"

"Honestly, both."

She smiled, holding in a laugh, I think. "I have a busy day at work tomorrow. You can visit me at work, if you want."

He frowned, but agreed, "Fine...but you'll be too busy to talk me, like last time."

"And I'm too tired to talk right now, so bye."

She opened the door.

"Wait," he said. "I can walk you home."

"You're still sleepy. You'd fall asleep instantly in my living room."

"How is that a problem?"

"It's not, but I need to focus on work. I have new designs to finish and I'll stay up all night working on them."

"Okay, be careful. And call me when you get home."

She kissed his cheek and left, closing the door behind her.

What a dry conversation.

So yeah, they're officially together. Now I just have to wait for their marriage, which probably wouldn't take place any time soon.

Amy finally gave in to the temptation of our comfortable couch and sat down next to me.

Brandon looked at us. "I'll go to sleep. If you need anything, don't wake me up." And left to his room.

When I moved in, he gave me his room and took our parents' room. We argued a lot about it.


"I'm the older one, it's a must that I get the bigger room," he said.

"Well, why didn't you take it before I came here?" I asked, lying on the couch, unable to move because of my new injuries and almost falling asleep.

"I didn't want to, but I changed my mind now. It doesn't matter, it's mine."

"But I've always wanted a big room! My rooms are always small."

"You call your room at the volcano small?"

"...You never saw my room."

He didn't respond.

"Brandon, did you enter my room when I was gone?"

"I was helping Charlie with the volcano room designs and stuff that Garmadon insisted that he gives to one of the designers himself. And your room was on top of addition to a secret passage."

"A what?" Was Garmadon spying on me?

"It was written on it that it's for you when you become a general so you could easily leave and get into your motorcycle room."

"Oh...thank god." Or it could be an excuse for spying on me. "But wait...where was it?"

"Under your bed."


So that's why the things I put under my bed randomly 'teleport' to my motorcycle room. When I was little, I thought that there was a monster under my bed who ate my things. How did I never investigate that?

'Because you're dumb,' my mind told me. And I agreed with that statement.

Brandon's arms were crossed and he looked around for a second before saying, "The big room is mine," and sprinted to the room-

"AaaaaAAAAA!," he wrapped one around his injured stomach and put his other hand on the doorway, keeping himself standing.

He wasn't supposed to run, walking was painful enough for him.

I just laughed because I was an evil sister. "That's what you get for being unfair with me, knowing that I can't even WALK, and you still ran."

"Shut up! I think my stitches opened!"

After checking, no, they were perfectly fine. He was just being dramatic.


Eventually, I agreed to take his room and Lloyd, Cole, and Kai came to help us rearrange the furniture because both Brandon and I weren't allowed to move anything heavy. I couldn't even walk, let alone move a bed or a table.

Speaking of my Cindergreen, Lloyd still couldn't hear anything with his right ear, it has gone deaf because of the explosion. And the only thing he complained about in front of me was the fact that listening to songs with one ear felt weird, as if one side of the earphones or headphones wasn't working.

"We should go and start the series," Amy said, barely awake.

"You can take a nap, I'll wake you up and we'd watch the series later."

"No~ I made a commitment. I have to finish what I've started or my word would lose its value in future situations."

"Wow, did you snatch that line from a book or something?"

She laughed, a light one, while her eyes were closed. "It's mine. And I'll sue you if you use it."

My life was incomplete without this, not romantically, it's just the relatable-ness (I don't even think this is a real word), and having her as a best friend and family member is the second out of the best gifts god had given me.

The first gift is undoubtfully my brother and us getting reunited.

Lloyd falls in third place.

What? You shouldn't really be surprised, I've known him for four months now, and three months since we stopped arguing and putting each other in life-threatening situations.

We're together now, Cindergreen and me. And he finally accepted his eternal nickname.

Also, he unlocked his true potential, which is something about his elemental power and him being able to do more awesome things now (as I understood). I gave him a new comic book as a gift that day (I stole the money from Brandon because he won't let me get a job).

I nudged Amy's forearm and she groaned. She was asleep.

"Wake up."

She hummed a response with her eyes still closed and her head hanging forward, she was about to fall onto the couch in a lying position.

"What happened to that commitment?"

"To hell with commitment. Sleep is life."

She fell onto the couch, lying asleep on it.

I couldn't help but laugh.

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