"Why would Gordie steal a car?" Vern asked.

"The detective dude told me everything.. The cars been missing since July 14th... Gordie got his car July 27th, his parents didn't get him it and it seems way to nice for him to afford" I said.

"I can't believe you think he stole it!" Teddy said.

"Where would a kid frim Castle Rock get that kinda money for that kinda car?" I asked.

"She has a point" Chris replied.

Aug. 24th 12:01 pm

The beds were rock hard.

I missed my room.

I wanted to go to the treehouse and just sleep.

I wasn't excited for the talk with my mother about this.

"Teddy stop" Vern said.

"You stop" Teddy replied.

They were playing the "who can slap the lightest wins"

Vern doesn't know this whole game is bogus and that the point is for the other person to slap HARD

"Why would you both just shut the fuck up" Chris said.

"Sorry" They both said.

I was in a holding cell over. The 3 of them were all in one together.

I'm glad i wasn't in there, but i was bored.

"Lila how you doing" Chris asked.

"Bored.. Tired.." I said "Wondering how Gordies doin"

"Me to man" He replied.

I hadn't seen Gordie till we got arrested. Chris said they took him straight to a detectives office and he hasn't seen him since.

"When do we get to go home" I yelled.

No reply.

Not surprised. Officer Tom is probably still on lunch.

"Do you think Gordies gonna get out in real jail.. for stealing that car" Vern asked.

"He didn't steal it.. Or atleast he didn't know he did" Chris said.

"How do they even have proof for that" Asked Teddy.

"Not sure" Chris replied.

"Lila tell us what the officer told you again" Vern asked.

I had a meltdown infront of him to get him to tell me what was going on with Lachance. It worked.

"Like i said.. The car is from California, license plate changed, but Gordie said he got it for 100 bucks from a dude named 'Charlie Hogan" I said.

"Wait who?!" Teddy asked.

"Oh shit that's the pet i forgot to tell last time" I said with a chuckle.

"Charlie Hogan?!"Chris repeated.

"Ya, cops said they don't believe him since that names not recorded in Castle Rock" I replied "Whats the big deal"

Silence for a moment


Aug. 25th 6:30 am

"You are all free to go." The front lady said.

"How about Gordie" Vern asked.

"Your parents will pick you up soon" She said with a cold tone.

We still hadn't seen Gordie. Tom said he was still in investigation while they searched for Charlie.

I found out Charlie was one of Ace Merrill's old friends that disappeared awhile back

Our parents came to pick us up a hour later.

I was the last one to get picked up.

Not surprising.

Aug. 25th 8:15 am

"Sounds like you know damn what happened" Mom said.

"I don't even know if he's ok though"

"Suck it up Lila, a young girl doesn't need to worry about some boy. Unless you've been fooling around with him.. Than that would explain everything"

"Just because you're got pregnant at 16 doesn't mean i'm going to"

"Hey watch your fucking words, you worthless whore. I wish i had a abortion"

A tear slipped out of my eye and onto my cheek.

I let it sit there till it dried.

I refused to let myself cry for this women anymore.

Aug. 27th 9:00 am

I haven't seen the guys in 2 days.

I've been locked in my room.

Avoiding everything and everyone.

I think today might be the day i go see the guys.

I'm not even sure if they've seen eachother. I have no clue if Gordies home. Or what fully happened. All i know is i wanna go to sleep.

But i think i'll get up. Get ready.

Go see the guys.

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