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Hi! I hope your enjoying the story! These next few chapters are gonna be a little different, it's gonna be written more like a diary, it will switch back eventually i just don't wanna bore anyone with random stuff!
Thanks for everything!

I packed 3 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans. Socks underwear, a bra, toothbrush, and a pair of shorts.

If i got cold that was there problem.

I also snuck a bottle of vodka and a pack of cigarettes in my bag.

Hoping they would bring money i left.

I walked to the treehouse. I took the long way there.

Aug. 20th 3:07

"Lila, whyd you have to pick somewhere so fucking far away!" Gordie said as he left the town.

I looked at the town sign as we drove past.

"I wanted to see the state a little more before i'm gone"

"So you choose fucking Portland" Gordie said "Fucking 4 hours away"

"Thats not even a road trip your fine" I replied.

Up front it has been Gordie, Teddy and Vern. Chris and i in the back.

Teddy and Vern had been fighting and Gordie didn't trust them being in the back, so he put them upfront.


Aug. 20th 7:30

Of course the hotel they picked was some cheap one on the side of the road.

"This place looks like a fucking dump" Chris whispered as we walked in.

The hotel was "Motel Miles" a shitty place on the side of the road.

"How many rooms?" The clerk asked.

"How many beds in a room?" Gordie asked.

"2" The clerk said

We all looked at eachother and than nodded.

"1 room" Gordie said.

"10.27$" the clerk said.

I looked at Gordie as if he were the biggest idiot on earth. 1 room 5 people. What the actual fuck.

"Lila i'm sorry this was cheaper" Gordie says putting his bag on the bed.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor" I said bluntly.

"Fine be that way" Chris said rolling your eyes.

"Well Christopher if you were in my position where you get dragged onto a road trip and have to sleep in a tiny hotel with 4 horny teenage boys how would you feel?" I yelled.

"Calm down babe.. you on your period?" Teddy asked.

I looked him dead in the eye, balled up my fist and punched him right in the mouth.

My hand hurt but it was worth seeing Teddy crying in pain.

"Li-Lila what the fuck" Teddy asked.

"Did you really have to do that you bitch" Gordie said.

"Your the bitch Lachance.. I shared my feelings and he thought i was on my lady's days what did he expect?!"

They all looked at me before returning to Teddy injury.

After the boys finished mommying Teddy they all got up and just stared at me.

"What do you want me to do?! He offended not only me but every other women who menstruates!"

"Jeez your sensitive" Gordie whispered.

"Oh ok i'm sensitive for standing up for what you men stereotype ok makes perfect sense"

"You punched him in the mouth!" Chris yelled.

"He punched me in the uterus"

They all looked at me confused like i was stupid.

" metaphorically dumbasses" I said.

They all formed O with there mouths.

"Where's everyone sleeping" Vern asked trying to change the topic.

""Chris and Lila, Vern and Teddy?" Gordie asked.

Thsi meant he was offering to take the floor. Or the tub.

"I have to sleep with her?" Chris asked.

"Do you wanna sleep on the floor Christopher?" Gordie remarked.

"Fair point"

"HOLD ON HOLD ON i have to sleep with Vern?!" Teddy yelled.

"Chill your tits Teddy it's only for a night" Gordie said.

"I'm not gay though" Teddy stated.

Teddy said this but i didn't believe him. The way he messes around with Vern there's no way he doesn't have feelings for him.

"Fine Teddy sleep on the floor i'll sleep on the bed" Gordie said.

Teddy thought long and hard about this. And ultimately decided he was to sleep on the bed with Vern WITH a barrier.

What a baby.

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