"The legends got confused because she called herself a warlock because it sounded more powerful than 'witch'. But, yes, Zhan Tiri was a woman. Anyways, when I turned eighteen, my brother's condition grew worse. We had learned about where the Sundrop Flower was and I begged for us to take it and save my brother. What Demanitus didn't know is that, leading up to this, Zhan Tiri had been whispering to certain of us that Demanitus never intended to keep his promises, that he tricked us into helping him with impossible hopes." He clutched at the tablecloth, looking at his untouched plate of food. "He told me that we couldn't take the Sundrop Flower to the Iron Kingdom. So I tried to make arrangements to bring my brother to Corona, but...he died while I was still trying to convince my teacher to let me use it on him."

He chuckled bitterly. "Turns out, he had no say in the matter, anyway. The Sundrop Flower was protected by the Royal Family of Saporia. But, I didn't know this until I'd betrayed him and joined Zhan Tiri along with others of us that felt used and betrayed by his broken promises. Because that's what....what it was all about. Broken promises. He promised Zhan Tiri that they would find the Sundrop Flower and Moonstone Opal and be the bearers together. In the end, he decided it was too powerful for any human to withstand. She swore vengeance, swore to destroy his precious Corona because he'd hurt her. And those of us that followed her were granted demonic powers."

"Demonic powers? I know about the green fire, but what can you do?" Eugene asked.

Ruddiger held up a hand, his eyes glowing green, and Eugene gasped as his body moved against his will, standing up and walking in a circle before sitting back down. "Uhh.....that was trippy." He said as Ruddiger lowered his hand, his eyes no longer glowing.

"I was given the ability to manipulate human bodies. I was called The Puppeteer, and worked closely with Zhan Tiri." He went on, turning his gaze to the Saporians, who had frozen in wide-eyed terror. "Yes, I was...involved in the destruction of Saporia. I was a really terrible guy back then, rage and hate can..." He shrugged helplessly and looked at Varian, who nodded in understanding.

"What do you mean?" Rapunzel asked.

"You remember how I said that Saporia had been protecting the Sundrop Flower? Well, we couldn't take them on ourselves, so we used Corona. King Herz Der Sonne had already been harboring feelings of envy for the beautiful Kingdom of Saporia and we just went in and stoked those flames into a bonfire. Only two of us went, me and Sugracha the Eternal."

"The Shapeshifter." Juniper said grimly. "There's...murals of you in the Caves of Saporia."

Ruddiger closed his eyes. "I did a lot of shameful things during that battle. Zhan Tiri had twisted me into a monster and I mercilessly took down anyone in my way, controlling soldiers so they couldn't fight or controlling reluctant Coronan soldiers so they DID fight. Sugracha took the role of his advisor and I went among the ranks making sure things went smoothly. Zhan Tiri was...so proud." He clenched his fists, his body trembling. "It was all in the name of progress...I hurt so many people, all to get a flower. With my help, I feel sick to say, Saporia was decimated. Herz Der Sonne took on General Shampanier by himself and beat her in combat and then he went after the Royal Family, who fled with whoever they could. The Kingdom of Saporia was overrun, destroyed, and overwritten. But, we only helped as far as the battle, anything after that we had no part in."

He pursed his lips and then got up, walking over to bow down on one knee, Andrew and Juniper getting up to face him. "I don't expect forgiveness. What I did to your people was unforgivable, and I understand if you want my head for it. But, I ask that you at least wait until this...mess is over to execute me."

Andrew and Juniper exchanged glances and then Andrew knelt down and gently tilted his head up, smiling sadly. "Who you were...is not who you are now." He said softly. "You were manipulated by her into becoming a monster. You were young and vulnerable. I forgive you."

Reunion at SeaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora