.“You are urbane, smart, elegant, you don't let anyone intimidate you. In addition, you always keep your nerve and don't start babbling. .everyone listens to you when you speak, nobody would dare to underestimate you or to be stupid to you. You move about in international politics as if it were a Sunday stroll. .and as far as I know you can get a lot of jobs under one roof without breaking a sweat. ..these are just a few things that I admire about you and every day I find new qualities that make you rise even higher in my respect. How am I ever supposed to keep up? How am I supposed to prove myself worthy of you?
.and there is one more thing, you have no heir. I know how important such things are to a noble wizard. And I'm a boy, I'll never be able to give you children. Even if I know that we are a long way from there. .I'm just scared that one day you'll wake up and wonder what you want with a good-for-nothing like me. You are the most sought-after bachelor in the country and probably far beyond the borders. .almost every woman would sell her own grandmother to be with you. You would have the choice to choose the most beautiful from a lot of beauties. .I'm just a teenager who doesn't even know if he has enough OWDs to stay at school. No matter how many seats I have, I'll still be a boy. .You said you wouldn't see me as a lady, but if I had the chance to stay with you I would turn into one anytime. And just for this pathetic sentence I would like to drown myself in the lake. "

.Harry had bowed his head again after this speech, which of course he had made at a rapid pace. Now it was outside, all his uncertainty and all his doubts. .he had no illusions, he was sure that Lucius had started thinking about his words. And that the blonde had come to the same conclusion as Harry. .the aristocrat could never be with someone who couldn't give him an heir. Not in his position, society would not understand and certainly not accept it. .if Draco were Lucius' son no one would have a problem with it, but like this. The green-eyed man was sure that in the future he could only be friends with Lucius, it would never be more. .the very thought of it almost brought tears to Harry's eyes. But he wasn't going to cry, there was no way he was trying to blackmail Lucius emotionally. And then something else occurred to him.
.“You don't need to worry about my fathers, I'll talk to them. They will understand your decision, ”he whispered softly.

Lucius had listened with increasing horror. .he knew Harry was insecure, but he had no idea how much. The young man's self-esteem was so non-existent. Presumably all of its happiness was one big mask. .or a protective mechanism to avoid being attacked. A protective armor that was broken today, and only because of an innocent question.

Determined, the blonde pulled the green-eyed man into his arms.
.“You pretend I have no say in the matter. How do you get it that I move away from you? Hopefully not because of what some social apes might think of me? .harry, if i want to be with you then not because society is good but because i like you. I don't care if you can have a child. .should it really happen that we want children then there is something like adoption. But you should know that ”, with the words Lucius nudged the green-eyed man on the nose.
Harry blushed, he had actually forgotten that.
."It's not that respected," he mumbled.
“Because mostly morons live in our world. What's wrong with giving a child a good life? Doesn't everyone deserve to love growing up? "
."My relatives would say no."
"Your relatives were born without a brain or empathy."
Against his will, Harry started laughing. No one had ever described the Dursleys so aptly.
.Lucius was pleased with this reaction and pulled the young man even closer.
"Still, I'll never hold a candle to you," Harry muttered.
The blonde wanted to bewitch the Dursleys to the wind. .they were responsible for Harry's self-loathing.
"Don't talk nonsense, you are great the way you are. Everything about you is right. "
"Do you find?"
."Yes, of course," and without thinking twice, Lucius leaned down and put his lips on Harry's.
When they parted, Lucius looked pleadingly at his companion.
"May I kiss you properly, or is that too fast for you?"
Lucius smirked when he saw the big eyes.
"Yes, right," he confirmed.
The green-eyed man swallowed, then nodded.

Lucius took his time, under no circumstances did he want to overwhelm Harry or put pressure on him. .he kissed his counterpart very gently and only after a while ran his tongue over his lips. He was all the more astonished when Harry opened his mouth almost immediately.
The blonde entered the strange oral cavity carefully. .Harry tasted sweet after all the fruits and sweets he had eaten earlier. It was intoxicating, especially when the young man's tongue finally found its way into his own mouth. .lucius then pulled Harry even closer and put a hand on the back of his neck.
They ended the kiss reluctantly, but Lucius didn't even think about leaving it with one of them. .he was about to ask Harry if he could kiss him again when he saw Harry change color again. This time in a very dark red. .the little one tried to say something, he opened his mouth, tangled himself up and passed out. Just like a Victorian lady.
Fortunately, Lucius still had him in his arms so he didn't fall far.
.“My little one, you have no idea what your feelings are causing in me. They make you irresistible. You are exactly what I always wanted from Narcissa ”, the blonde confessed.
.Lucius had not wanted his wife to be faint, but rather to have unadulterated feelings. Harry showed the aristocrat exactly what it looked like inside. .and it was precisely this honesty and devotion that Lucius had always so sorely missed in his ex-wife.

The blonde leaned back and stroked Harry's hair. .no, he would definitely not leave the green-eyed man, rather he would do everything to ensure that he never looked at anyone else. .satisfied with his decision, the man enjoyed the prospect that it would definitely be a while before his Victorian lady woke up.

It was about time that Harry's past was once again clearly noticeable. .He hasn't got over his childhood that quickly. But luckily the young man has Lucius.

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