"Pop, she ain't even been introduced to me. Therefore I am a bachelor. You and ma kept extending the deadline, so as far as I'm concerned it's not that important of a matter."

"Not that important of a matter? Rome do you know what she is?"

"A Luna." He scoffs in annoyance as he sends a text. "Big deal."

"No, Rome. She's the ALPHA LUNA! What the hell have you been learning?!"

"I've been learning how to do public relations for our pack throughout our communities and worldwide packs! That's why we have the heavy domineering presence and reputation that we have! So you're welcome, dad! I'm not worried about no old ass antiquated arrangement to another pack's female leader to solidify my foothold of power! I did that shit on my own! I made it out the mud, pop!"

"I could give a flyin fuck about some empty ass public relations career, Rome! You are an alpha wolf first! Your fuckin war tactics, skills, battle record, and knowledge of wolves and your pack's history is what should give you a domineering presence throughout pack communities! Not some he say-she say bullshit from social media! I swear to the moon goddess my worst mistake was listening to your mother and allowing you to get that bullshit ass human degree! Its fucked your life up in more ways than one! Its fucked up your view on what a TRUE alpha is, in more ways than one too!"

"News flash fath-er, I AM ALPHA NOW! What I say goes! How I want shit run, is how its run! You are the past I am the present and future! I will set the precedent for all alphas to come! I will be the iconic role model! The here and now, the literal alpha and omega! My way is the new and better way! Not y'alls old outdated bullshit ass way! Do you know how many warriors our pack has lost since the beginning, all over your pillage and plunder tyrant tactics?!"

Glaring at his son as his nostrils flare, Rome's father's eyes shift to a menacing black as he bares his canines at his disrespectful son.

"Eight hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred and twenty two, over the past 750 years! That's almost 1,200 fuckin men and she-wolves that we've lost, a year! Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, soulmates; that are not coming home to loved ones! All cause of y'alls traditional ways! With me, in the past five years, as alpha we've lost none! Yeah cause of the 'bullshit' public relations degree I got! So my track record seems to be superseding the 'Great Scott Haven's' legacy if you ask me!"

Scowling at his father, Rome squints and leans forward in his custom cushioned gigantic gold throne like chair. Making sure to hold unwavering eye contact with his enraged father, Rome's shifting platinum eyes stay locked in position all the while addressing the men present.

"What's the REAL next order of business for today?"

"Just wait, Rome. You got your little audience now, holler at me when we one on one. Savior and I will mop the floor with you and Legend, baby boy. You're alpha to everyone else. You ain't nothing but my pup who I taught to stop pissin and shittin on himself." 

Standing abruptly, Scott walks out of the war room slamming the great oak doors with a deafening crash of wood and metal.

Acknowledging the mindlink from his best friend and beta Sincere, Rome opens their private communication.

"What the fuck, Wild?!"

"Stone, that mafucka on some shit today! All over a bitch I ain't neva even met?! Maaaan fuck all'at!"

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