Just as described, there are many armed men and women surrounding her in a circle. It seems like she knows how hated she is in the SS house and brought reinforcement to protect herself. How pathetic.

But at a quick glance, Seonghwa can tell that those people are all she's got. They don't look very alert, meaning it would be easy enough for him and Hongjoong to take everyone down quickly. There's only around six people after all.

"Park Seonghwa! Kim Hongjoong! Face me like real men and stop hiding in your house!" she screams at the house. Seonghwa's eyebrows furrow and he whips his head around at the sound of giggles in his ear.

"What, it's hilarious!" Hongjoong defends himself in a whisper.

"You have disrespected me and I understand why you'd be scared. But you can't escape from what me and my guys will do to you!" she adds on before banging on the front door again.

"Do you think the reason she won't barge into the house is because she's scared of the SS members she thinks will be there?" Hongjoong whispers, full of amusement. "Most definitely," Seonghwa replies with gritted teeth.

"I'm getting too much second hand embarrassment from watching this, can we just kill them all already?" Seonghwa complains. Hongjoong offers a smile. "Everyone except for Harin," he adds.

Seonghwa nods and pulls out his rifle, Hongjoong following. They have the disadvantage of having an awkward angle to shoot from, but Seonghwa knows that that won't put even a dent in his accuracy.

Hongjoong slowly counts down from three and Seonghwa's emotions dull for a moment as he prepares to take more lives.

As soon as Hongjoong has finished counting down, the two men unleash their attack. Multiple gunshots ring out through the air with no break, and not even one bullet is wasted from Seonghwa as he hits every person in the chest. Hongjoong helps in shooting anyone who aims in their direction.

Harin, who was at the front door, whips her head around and ducks low in a futile attempt to defend herself. Completely unscathed, Seonghwa slowly steps out from behind the wall with Hongjoong. He glares at the girl on the ground with fury in his eyes and a hardened expression.

Harin starts shaking in fear and fumbles with the gun in her hand and aims it at Seonghwa, even though her hands shake. Seonghwa doesn't even flinch as Hongjoong harshly kicks her hand, the gun flying to the other side of the garden. She lets out a cry and cradles her hand close to her body while trying to appear enraged to the two men.

When Seonghwa lets out an exhale and smirk, she knows she's done for. All she can do now is hope that she can get shot in the head and let this be over quickly. She ducks her head low and can't even hide her fear. 

Not a word has been said this whole time, until Hongjoong finally opens his mouth. "Same place we tortured Hoseok?" he simply asks. Harin's head whips up. They were the ones who killed Hoseok?

Seonghwa nods. "Carry her, I'll get the car ready," he orders Hongjoong. Hongjoong stares at the girl's crazed eyes and smiles. "I'll see you at the car!" he chirps before sprinting away. Seonghwa can't help but sigh.

He scoops her up roughly and throws her over his shoulder. "Let go of me!" she shrieks, thrashing about. Seonghwa rolls his eyes and continues to the car, her attacks barely feeling like light taps on his back. He wants to slam her down and kick her so bad, but instead he just screams at her to keep quiet. She yelps out of surprise but stops squirming.

Seonghwa throws her into the back seat of the car and jumps in too, quickly grabbing her arms and holding them tight. "Hongjoong, go!" he barks. Hongjoong holds back from scolding his friend, feeling a shiver down his own spine at how mad he looks.

Incarnadine | Prequel to "Viridescence"Where stories live. Discover now