28 3 21

6th March

Yeosang busies himself with reorganising his shelves in his infirmary, not wanting to look awkward as he waits.

Jeong Yunho has been asleep for a while now, and he is Yeosang's responsibility as soon as he wakes up. He restlessly glances at the bandage lying on his table as he works. It's been so long since he's had a patient like this, he had forgotten how it felt.

Suddenly Yunho's eyes move a little, his eyelids opening slowly. He lets out a small groan as the pain in his arm wakes up with him. Pretending like he wasn't impatiently anticipating this moment for a while, Yeosang hops up in his spot and gasps. "Oh my! You're awake!"

He cringes at himself as Yunho flashes him a disgusted look. "What are you going to do with me?" he spits. Yeosang sighs. Yunho's been asking the same question ever since he's got here, but Hongjoong gave him an order. "Keep your mouth shut and don't say a thing to him, got it?"

So just as he's been instructed, Yeosang keeps his lips sealed and he smiles. "Lucky for you, you're free from my infirmary! I'll show you to your room after replacing your bandages," Yeosang chirps, as bright as ever.

He can't deny that he's already grown a little attached to his first patient aside from Hongjoong or Seonghwa in years. It's clear that Yunho does not feel the same way at all, but Yeosang doesn't blame him. He'd probably be the same in his situation anyway.

Yeosang quickly finishes changing Yunho's bandages before gesturing to him to follow him out the room. However, Yunho doesn't budge at all and Yeosang shakes his head with a giggle. "Come on, your new room will look way better than this place. Trust me," he comforts.

"Why are you treating me so nicely? Will you be using me in one way or another? Or will you kill me straight after all this?" the older questions once more. Again, Yeosang smiles.

"We decided to give you a room on the bottom floor since it might be tiring to walk up all those stairs with an injury," is all Yeosang utters brightly, as if Yunho's question went completely unheard.

Finally, Yunho stands up with a scoff. He shoots Yeosang a glare before storming past him and out the door. Yeosang flinches under Yunho's sharp eyes but shrugs it off in the end. It'll do him no good to become friends with a test subject anyway. A test subject that he helped kidnap.

He leaves the room too and his eyes widen when he finds Hongjoong standing in front of Yunho with a wide grin. "It's lovely to see you walking around! Let me know if you need anything," Hongjoong explains in a friendly manner. Yeosang raises an eyebrow at the other, questioning his change in behaviour.

When he gets a death glare in return, he knows that Hongjoong is still the same.

Before Yunho says anything harsh to Hongjoong's face and gets himself into danger, Yeosang lets out nervous laughter. "Thank you Hongjoong, I'll bring him to his room now," he blurts before ushering Yunho away.

To his relief, the taller complies easily this time and follows Yeosang into a bedroom, before Yeosang closes the door behind them. The group in the mansion had only done up these bedrooms a few weeks ago in preparation for future test subjects, and now Yunho can be the first to occupy one.

Yunho turns to Yeosang and takes a deep breath. Before the doctor understands what's happening, Yunho uses his uninjured arm to push and slam Yeosang's frail body into the wall. Yeosang gasps and lets out a cough from the impact and shock before the throbbing in his skull begins.

He pushes Yunho's hand weakly, but even with both of his hands, he isn't strong enough to move only one of Yunho's. "Look Yunho, we can talk instead! Could you please let me go? I'll listen and-"

Incarnadine | Prequel to "Viridescence"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora