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10th October

The past few days with the new gang felt much more comfortable than the last gang. Other than the encounter on the first day, there have been no threats and Jaehyun hasn't forced Seonghwa and Hongjoong to do anything for him. So far, it's all felt pretty familial.

Jaehyun had revealed to the boys that he once had two sons and a wife, but his wife left him with his children. He misses them greatly and hasn't seen them in years. He said that the two boys remind him of his sons, which Seonghwa guessed is the reason he's so fond of them.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa showed Jaehyun all they know in terms of combat so he could get an idea of how much he needs to look out for them. He decided to train them further, and although he holds them quite dearly to himself, he still plans on putting them to use. Seonghwa's incredible aim left a lasting impression on him too, so he figured that he should develop that skill in him. 

Hongjoong's skill is spread out through a variety of different areas, but one thing Jaehyun has noticed is his sharp mind. It picks up on details quickly, and he learns fast too.

With these notes in mind, Jaehyun has been working hard on a routine he can set the boys into.

In the meantime, Hongjoong has managed to use his cute acting and pure looks to gain permission for a certain trip from Jaehyun.

"Remember, hide your face well," he instructs the two younger boys. "Thank you uncle Jaehyun! Take care!" Seonghwa smiles, showing a quick liking to the man over the past few days. He knows this man is dangerous, but it still feels nice to have someone that's like a parent again. The way he talks to them so sweetly and shows them the different weapons he owns makes Seonghwa feel relaxed.

The two boys turn to the front door of the house with another gang member. They adjust the caps on their head and walk to a shiny black car parked in front of the house.

The two boys sit at the back of the car silently, both of them thinking hard about where they're going.

Hongjoong got permission to go back to his hometown. He'll finally be able to see Jangmi again and he can't contain his jumpy heart in his ribcage. Seonghwa also feels jumpy, but because there's a chance he'll see his aunt and uncle there. He's been thinking about it all morning. If they do see him, he'll finally get to return to them.

He turns his eyes with guilt to Hongjoong as he recalls five nights before, when he reassured Hongjoong that he'd stay with him.

They drive for an hour, both of the boys falling asleep with their heads resting against the car doors.

The man in front of the steering wheel smiles at the sight of them, unable to see them as gang members and only as two innocent children.

"We're here," he calls out softly. Hongjoong stirrs in his sleep and flutters his eyes open slowly, soaking in his surroundings. He peeks out the window and gasps when he recognises the familiar house.

It's his old house!

He hurriedly jumps out of the car and marvels at the simple house while scurrying around the front yard and giggling excitedly. It nearly looks exactly the same as when he left it.

Though one thing sets an uneasy feeling in his stomach. The white roses that once lined the sides of the driveway are now all withered and dead.

He brushes this off, aware that his mother hasn't been able to take care of them. Since she's also dead.

Hongjoong steps to the front door while turning his head from side to side, reminiscing the familiar scenery. It's been too long since he's seen this place, he missed it.

Incarnadine | Prequel to "Viridescence"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora