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14th September

The two boys make their way toward a secluded road, so thin it can barely contain one whole car. This road leads to the nearest town, but ever since a newer and more developed road has been built, it's been abandoned. Now only people use it to jog on or go on walks on.

Luckily for the boys, no one seems to be on a walk at past midnight. The only sound to be heard is the low humming of the night breeze and the light crunching of the dead leaves and twigs beneath the boys' feet. The night is dark, but it seems like nature is on their side as the weather is not too cold, and the clouds have parted from the moon's way. There's just about enough light for them to see their surroundings.

Seonghwa nervously fidgets and can't stop looking to the sides, trying to peer through the dark bushes and trees. "What if a wild animal attacks us?" he asks quietly, unconsciously stepping closer to Hongjoong.

He shrinks back in embarrassment when he gets a scoff in return. "Don't be ridiculous."

Still not convinced, Seonghwa's hands shake. The reality of things suddenly come crashing down on him and he feels his blood run cold. Has he just been kidnapped? He's really going to die soon, his life is over.

He regrets wishing for an excuse to get out of school now. He'd gladly run back into his classroom after this experience. He hopes his aunt and uncle don't worry too much. They're getting old, stress wouldn't be good for them. He feels hopeless though. How will he escape all on his own?

He can't believe he's currently helping a criminal escape. He should have thrashed about and tried to garner some attention from anyone in the town. But as soon as he got any thoughts, his eyes automatically travelled to Hongjoong's pocket. That knife scares him too much.

"A-Are you still mad at me?" he bravely wonders. Hongjoong nods without uttering a word, his black hair bobbing up and down. "But you're the one who declared us to be friends, why are you acting like this?"

"You're annoying, that's why. I don't like the way you dared to leave me like that," Hongjoong grunts in response.

"But friends usually forgive each other after small fights like this and move on. That's just what friends do," Seonghwa mumbles. Hongjoong suddenly freezes in his tracks and turns to face the other.

"Really?" His large, almond eyes light up. Seonghwa clenches his fist and nods firmly. Hongjoong nods thoughtfully. "In that case, I forgive you. Let's go my friend," he smiles before continuing to walk.

Seonghwa's mouth hangs open in shock. What a weirdo.

He scurries behind him, catching up quickly. The two walk quietly together for a few more minutes, Hongjoong's once stern face now relaxed.

"What will you do once you've escaped?" Seonghwa asks, hoping he isn't provoking the other again with all his questions. "I'll kill you and dump your body into the same bush where my mother is," he nonchalantly responds.

Seonghwa gasps loudly and Hongjoong smiles to himself. "Please don't kill me! Look, I didn't scream or anything, I've been helping you out this whole time, just please don't kill me," he pleads quickly.

Hongjoong bursts out laughing. "I was joking, I won't kill you. You should have seen the look on your face!" he giggles. Seonghwa scowls with a pout, unconvinced. He doesn't trust him.

"After we're clear, I'm going to finally see my sister again. I admit, it makes me mad that I have to be with you right now instead of her. I've been looking forward to this day for months now," Hongjoong explains. "You seem pretty close with her," Seonghwa acknowledges.

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