29; My first and last

Start from the beginning

Irene wonders if Ariadne or Thea feel the same way about this as she does. Nervous, borderline regretful, freaking out.

Usually a marriage means the end of a love story. The two got married, the end.

But it doesn't feel like an ending yet. Irene has so much to work through. As a couple, the three of them have so much to work through. It doesn't feel like a proper ending yet.

When the announcement came, when the text had been read, everyone wondered who the queen and emperor would pick. Who would have to get married to save this island? Who would be important enough to please the gods with their marriage? Who had an interesting love story, a passionate love for one another? And the thing was, they needed two couples. One with men, one with women.

The emperor, being the self sacrificing and romantic guy that he is, immediately said that he and Isaac would be the male couple, proposing to Isaac on the same time. Obviously Isaac has said yes, and after a hefty discussion between Irene and Isaac and Anaxagoras about whether or not it was a good idea, and a lot of threats from Irene, they finally decided that it would be okay. (Although, Irene is still very much angry about that, her poor baby brother in that unknown man's clutches... hmph).

Isaac is somewhere in the men's city getting ready with his... fiancé... and Irene is here with hers.

And how did that happen?

They decided, eventually, that the only women with a love story important enough to actually please the gods after over two hundred years, would be Irene and Ariadne and Thea. At first, that too was up for debate.

"A couple of three? Would the gods accept it?"

"They were sent here for a reason, don't you think?"

"Can we be sure about this? We can't afford to do any mistakes, you know how this works. If we fail, the men from the outside are only a few days away from arriving at our island, and we loose our paradise and our gods forever"

"Well surely the gods will accept it, they too have to think about their powers. If they don't accept it, the island will fall and eventually they will too"


"Silence! My relationship is just as powerful as any other, and I won't have you disrespecting it like this"

So whether it was to prove a point, jealousy or out of simple love, Ariadne and Thea decided that day that they would propose to Irene and that the three of them should get married. It was a very bold and sudden decision, one that would be very complicated and filled with negatives. But of course, Irene is in love with the two, so she just didn't have the heart to say no. She knows that it will be hard, that the two will be busy, that they live at Ariadne's temple while Thea lives at Athena's temple, and that it might not work, but she is willing to try if they are.

It's only the nerves that are keeping her from fully accepting all of this.

The gods may think that love between humans is a simple and irrelevant matter that they can dictate whenever they want, but in reality it's complicated. Irene has only known these two girls for a few months. She's not ready to get married, she doesn't know them fully, she can barley communicate with them. But it's written in stone, if they want to save the island they have to get married right this instant. The rest of the love and trust can come later. Right?

A GODDESSES PARADISE (girlxgirlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now