part 26

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Lia: Her? What is Prachi doing here?

Rhea: She is the bride. Plus she is also Kiara's sister. Meaning my sister.

Shaina: So Prachi is rich?

Dimpey: But how is that possible? I mean she doesn't even have a father.

Rhea: Can you guys please just stop it with your stupid questions. I need your help to stop this haldi ceremony.

Lia: And how will we do that?

Rhea: Listen to my plan.

She tells them the plan and then they all agree. After Rhea explains the plan, she goes to Ranbir and tells him what to do. But little did she know that someone heard their plan.

Prachi was sitted and guests were coming to apply the haldi and Lia went forward as she is the friend which Prachi doesn't know. She applies the haldi and while doing that, she looked at Vihaan and smiles. Prachi had looked the other side. Vihaan just looked at the other side too while Lia tried to flirt with him.

After applying, she left and smiled at Shaina. Shaina went to apply haldi to Prachi but before she could, Arush held her hands.

Arush: What were you going to apply on my sister?

Shaina: What?

Arush: I mean...I should apply her first before you right?

Shaina: Yes...yes sure.

Shaina moves back while Arush applies the haldi on his sister. He then hugs and then applies Vihaan too. He then moves and then Shaina applies haldi. Shaina moves back and goes to as she was going, she kept looking at Arush.

Shaina: OMG Rhea. Your brother is hot.

Deepak: I know.

Shaina: Not you Arush.....I mean you are hot but he is way hotter than you. No offense.

Deepak: A lot taken Shaina.

Lia: Forget that Shaina. Did you do what you were told to do?

Shaina: Yes I did and she didn't suspect a thing.

Rhea: Good. Within no time she will be humiliated in front of everyone.

Deepak: She should start screaming soon.

As they continue to talk, Pallavi calls Rhea.

Pallavi: Dear I got this haldi from Prachi's bowl.

She then applies it on her cheeks and Rhea smiles. They then both go back to the hall to everyone. Shaina was standing drinking juice when Arush came to her.

Arush: Hi.

Shaina: Oh my gosh. It's you.

Arush: Yeah it's me. Hi.

Shaina: Hi. I'm Shaina.

Arush: I'm Arush.

Shaina: So what's up?

Arush: I should be asking you that. I mean you are one of Rhea's best friends.

Shaina: Yes I am.

Arush: Can i ask you a little favor?

Shaina: Anything.

Arush moves closer to her and speaks to her: Tell me what Rhea is planning and I may or may not return the favor.

Shaina: With what?

Arush: Money.

Shaina: I don't want money. I want something else.

Arush: Name it.

Shaina whispers in to his ear.

Arush: I will what Kiara can do about that but now you have to tell me Rhea's plans.

Shaina: Okay. (She then tells him Rhea's plans)

Arush: Okay. And if these turn out to be false then.....

He moves closer to her and takes her glass.

Arush: ..... I will find out where you live and who your parents are then within no time, you will be on the streets and won't be able to get any job.

Shaina: I'm not lying to you? I promise you that.

Arush; Okay then I believe you but you have to tell them in front of Kiara only then will you get your reward.

Shaina: Okay then let's go.

Arush: Wait after a few minutes then follow me.

Arush goes to Kiara and they both go to a room that was close to the hall. Shaina came into the room. She saw Arush sitted on the couch and Kiara leaning on the table.

Kiara: Arush whatever reason you called me in here it better be a reasonable one.

Arush: Oh trust me it is. Shaina here has some interesting gossips.

Kiara: what is it?

Arush: Your darling little sister has made her own plans.

Kiara: What has Priya done this time?

Shaina: Not Priya but Rhea. She has planned to(she tells the plan).

Kiara: And you supported her?

Shaina: You do not know Rhea. She pretends to be so kind but she is a monster. My father works for her aunt and she blackmails me to do what she wants or else my father will be fired from his work.

Arush: And so for that info she has asked me to ask you if you can provide her father with a much better job probably in your company.

Shaina: Please ma'am. Rhea has done so many terrible things if you want I can be your spy for you and....

Kiara: Yes on one condition. You have to be our spy then I will see what I can do.

Shaina: Thank you so much.

Arush: So from now on, you are our little spy and you have to tell us all the plans Rhea has in store.

Kiara: And as for your father, I have to see what he is capable of and his resume only then can I give him a job at my company.

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