part 14

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All were families were sitted on the sofa listening to how Vihaan survived and stuff.

Priya: So what? You just woke up and everyone was shocked?

Vihaan: And they told me that it had been 2 years.

Divya: But then they just....we buried someone else and we cried for someone else. Oh my gosh.

Priya: I spent days crying for someone that didn't die? Screw you fate.

Pragya: But it's very good for you to be home. We missed you very much.

Prachi: I missed you more.

Vihaan: Well I miss you all. Very much......but umm who are they?

Priya: You need a lot of update. Those are the MKs. Mehra's and Kholis.

Vihaan: Okay. Still no idea who they are.

Priya: My dad our father. And Mr Mehra this is Vihaan.

Ranbir: Now let me get this right. You were presumed dead and now you are alive?

Vihaan: Yeap that's everything. I don't know what to do or say but umm I think I should go call me family.

Kiara: Start with Piya. She is still not over your death.

Vihaan: Off course.

He then goes while Ranbir was getting kind of suspicious. Everyone was getting ready for bed again. All went to bed while Vihaan went to his room. He turned on his light and saw Prachi sitting on the bed.

Vihaan: What?

Prachi: Nothing it's just that I missed you so much.

Vihaan: I forgot how this room looked like. And I also missed you so much.

Prachi: Anyways let's forget that.

Vihaan: Yes let's forget it but one thing I can't forget is why or how your father is even here in this house.

Prachi: It's a very long long story.

Vihaan: Well I have more than enough time to listen to hear the entire story. So come on.

Prachi: Well starts right after you know you died(she tells him everything that happened since she arrives in Delhi except all her moments with Ranbir.)

Vihaan: Well damn. I am more shocked to the fact that you have been in jail. Like you in jail that is a first.

Prachi: What do you mean?

Vihaan: Don't you have some kind of phobia or something? Plus you are way too spoilt to be in jail. I mean come on look at Priya. If she ever got to jail she would be complaining about the dark cells and no phones and stuff.

Prachi: She will not go to jail unless there is cell service or wifi.

Vihaan: Do you think that my family will be happy to see me?

Prachi: You were the dead one not the one who had to cry all night long. Talking about night I need to go. Goodnight.

She left his room and went to hers. He too went to bedroom. The next morning, everyone was sitted for breakfast. Pragya brought the breakfast. Vihaan came late for breakfast but before Priya and Prachi as they were probably somewhere fighting about something. Vihaan sat at the available chair that was next to Rhea.

Vihaan: Hi.

Rhea: Hi. I'm Rhea. I'm Prachi's little sister.

Vihaan: And I'm Prachi's presumed friend. And let me guess they are fighting again.

Ranbir: Who?

Vihaan: Prachi and Priya.

Abhi: How do you know that?

Vihaan: Why else would they be late for breakfast?

Kiara: Finally someone else who knows how to speak their language.

Suddenly a girl came in there running and when she saw Vihaan standing, she held her mouth with her hands and started sobbing.

Girl: So it's really true.

She went to go hug him and the MKs were confused.

Girl: You really are still are alive. Why did you hide that fact from us? You are such a selfish person V.

Vihaan Piya calm....calm down.

Piya: Why did you hide from us? Do you know how much I missed you?

Aryan whispering to Ranbir: He really has a lot of girl friends.

Ranbir: Shut up Aryan.

Vihaan: Calm down Piya. I will only tell you everything ones you calm down.

Shahana: Dis you really just come from Spain?

Piya: Hell ya. I was ready to bail on an important photoshoot to see my dead brother living. Now back to you.

She took a plastic vase and started hitting him and everyone was trying to stop her.

Piya: Estúpida tonta nunca vuelves a jugarle una broma así a nadie.
You stupid fool never ever play such a prank on anyone again

Vihaan: Calmarse chica. Siéntate y te lo explicaré todo.
Calm down girl. Sit down and i will explain everything.

Here is your update.
Thank you

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