part 7

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In the kitchen, Pragya was making breakfast when she burned her hands and Rhea saw this? She wanted to go but then stopped in her tracks. Pragya's hand was very sore that she couldn't hold the pan but somehow managed to make breakfast.

She brought the breakfast to the table and by then the wound had gotten bigger due to the work she was doing and Rhea got so concerned. Alia saw the wound and smirked.

She called Pragya and "accidentally" spilled hot tea on the wound and Pragya winced in pain. Rhea couldn't keep quiet anymore and wanted to say something but then Meera held her hand.

Alia: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Have this napkin......

Priya: Mom are you okay?

Pragya: I'm fine.....

Priya: Wow nice lie.

She then pulled her to the sofa and applied ointment and Rhea sighed in relief. Abhi was confused as he heard her saying that she was going somewhere around 5 in the morning.

Priya: This wound must hurt a lot. You should go to the doctor.

Pragya: No it's fine.

Priya: It's not fine. You hid this and waited till it got worse and then Ursula over there poured hot tea on it.

Pragya: You shouldn't call her that.

Priya: Fine what about Cruella de Vil.

Pragya chuckled a little bit.

Pragya: Nah Ursula is much better. The mouth and eyes.

Pragya: Don't call her that.

Priya: Okay.

She bandages the wound and they both go outside to the garden. The MKs have their breakfast and Abhi goes to the garden to see Priya and Prachi sitting and talking and laughing on the bench.

Pragya: You just focus on your career.

Priya Okay fine. I know why Prachi came India.

Pragya: She said she wanted to go find her dad....

Priya: She is trying to escape all her feelings. She says she came here to meet her father but it was not that. She still feels somehow responsible for Vihaan deaths and she came here to escape that guilt but it is following her here too.

Pragya: She doesn't feel guilty.

Priya: Have you met the girl? Feeling guilty things for things she isn't responsible for is her major superpower.

Pragya: Why don't you plan a surprise for her?

Priya: In Montenaro?

Pragya: No. Something simple. I mean your birthday is coming up next week and you will...

Priya: No way. Rhea will be too dramatic and make us work on her birthday which is never gonna happen not in a million years.

Pragya: She is your sister. You know the one who you always wished to annoy when Prachi or Kiara weren't there.

Priya: I am starting to unwish all those wished I wished. So please excuse me. I am going to Starbucks.

Pragya: Wait.....come back please.....

Priya just goes to her room and gets her purse. She bumps into Rhea who wanted to know how Pragya was feeling.

Priya: Before you say anything, no I'm not going to do anything for you.

Rhea: I actually wanted to see how you mom is feeling.

Priya: Well that's a first. She is fine.

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