part 17

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Principal: Here are the two kids.

Deepak: Dad.

He then went to hug him. Abhi was fuming angry while Priya didn't give a damn.

Voice: I just hope that this is serious because I had to leave a meeting just to.....Priya?

Priya: Oh God. Why did I come to college today?

Voice: What happened?

Abhi: You know her Vansh?

Vansh: Yes she is umm.....Priya did you really insult him and his family.

Priya: We both know that is not my MO. I destroy not waste my voice. Is this over because I have places to be.

Principal: Sit down both if you. And Priya please be a little respectful.

Priya: I am not sitting down. I have places to be. And one question why is it you call me by my first name but you call him by his surname.

Principal: His father is influential while you. You are just some random middle class. So please sit down.

Priya: That really means a lot.

Abhi: Did you really say all of that about my family and my kids?

Vansh: She couldn't have done this. I know her way too well even though she is kind of short tempered she can control her anger.

Priya: There is your confirmation.

Rhea: Excuse me but how do you know each other?

Priya: My mother is like famous all over the world so she knows other influential people. Not that you would know. You are only influential in India.

She then walks out and Vansh wanted to follow her but then he knew her anger. So he just stayed and left too. Rhea saw this and followed him to his car. She was shocked as Vansh had the exact same car as Priya has.

Vansh: Why are you following me Ms Mehra?

Rhea: Nothing it's just that....umm Priya has an exact car.....

Vansh: I know. She bought it for me as a birthday present. Any more questions?

Rhea: No... nothing.

He then got in his car and the driver drove off. Rhea went to Abhi who was talking with Deepak.

Abhi: I'm sure that Priya won't bother you anymore.

Deepak: I hope so.

Abhi: I will see you both at home okay. Bye.

He goes.

Deepak: Sis did you see how easy we ruined her image at school? We now have the advantage with dad on our side.

Rhea: I don't think so. I was going to talk to the other board man but he had the same exact car that Priya has.

Deepak: It's just a car Rhea.

Rhea: I asked him and he said that Priya bought him that car.

Deepak: That is not possible.

Rhea: I will go talk to her. You stay here and......

She turned and saw Ranbir.

Ranbir: What plans are you making without me?

Deepak: That Priya has friends and I can't get her to fail.

Ranbir: She has weaknesses. And her weakness is family. Prachi and that other girl are family so is any of them are somehow hurt then she will be hurt too.

Deepak: I don't get it.

Ranbir: Here is the plan.

Rhea: Ranbir that is such a brilliant plan. This will be so great.

Deepak: Well we need to put a pause to that plan because dad's business partners are home along with his son.

Rhea: And grandma invited Priya and Divya to our house. Can this day get any more worse.

They go to the MK mansion and see a handsome boy standing with Mitali.

Mitali: So you are saying that you can speak all those languages.

Boy: That is exactly what I said.

Mitali: Rhea you guys are here. This is your father's business partner's son.

Ranbir: Hi I'm Ranbir.

Boy: Hi. I'm Arush Raisinghania.

Deepak: I'm Deepak. Rhea's little brother.

Arush: Hi Deepak. You must be Rhea.

Rhea: Yep. Great to meet you.

Abhi: So Arush where is your father?

Arush: Well he is probably stuck somewhere or be is on his way here.

Deepak: So while we wait for your dad. Let's tell each other a little about ourselves.

Mitali: Deepak dear this Voy can speak 8 different languages. Isn't that very impressive?

Rhea: You speak 8 languages? What are they?

Arush: Hindi obviously. Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Arabic, Portuguese and French. A little bit of Greek and Latin.

Ranbir: We can only speak 3.

Abhi: Do you have any siblings?

Arush: Yes. Elder sisters. I'm the youngest.

Deepak: No way. I'm the youngest too.

They continue talking. Divya and Priya had arrived and Rhea saw both of them.

Arush's outfit

Deepak gave Arush a jar of hot water to take to Rhea at the other side

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Deepak gave Arush a jar of hot water to take to Rhea at the other side. Deepak saw Priya entering and as they reached, Deepak pushed Arush and the hit water spilled on Priya.

Priya: (yelling) Arush!!!

Arush: Oh my gosh. I'm...I' sorry...

Priya removed her jersey and Arush gave her his.

Priya: I will kill you.

Arush: It wasn't on purpose. I'm very sorry I....

Priya: Zip it.

She then entered and she greeted Abhi's grandmother. Rhea came there.

Pallavi: What happened? Why is she wearing you jacket?

Arush: I may or may not have spilled hot water on her.

Priya: And he owns me 15k.

Arush: You seriously know the price of your entire outfit?

Priya: What can I say. I love my closet.

Dadi: Stop fighting like a dog and a cat okay.....

Alia: No grandma she is only using that boy to give her money. That outfit is probably not even that expensive.

Priya: You're right. It's not that expensive but at least it's much more than your entire closet Alia.

Sorry for updating late but here is your update for today.

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