Worst Christmas Ever (But You Made It a Little Better)

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"No seriously Caddie, it's kinda important." Janis said a little louder now.

The warm feeling vanished all at once and she looked up.

"Holy fuck-"

As Cady slowly came back to her senses she registered the snowstorm raging outside. The soft wintry feathers fluttering down the sky evolved into a heavy blizzard, as if a sky-dam had burst. The ground was covered in thick layers of snow, cars were fully covered and icicles were hangin off the roofs.

Her gaze shifted to Janis again who just nervously smiled from underneath her.

"Surpriiiise" she said. Her voice unusually high pitched. "We're completely snowed in."

"You're kidding me right?" Cady said scrambling off her to get a better look.

"I mean at least we still have power."


Cady was tense when they sat down to have dinner. She couldn't deny that she liked spending time with Janis on Christmas Eve but everything that happened today and the snowstorm made her feel uneasy. She was silently poking her chicken strips with a fork, not really hungry until Janis spoke up.

"...Everything okay?"

"Yeah..." she murmured, not looking up from her plate.

Janis rolled her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Just a bit stressful today-"

And that was when the power went out.

"You're fucking kidding me."

"What?" Janis was stunned at Cady's furious tone.

"You cannot tell me that this is happening right now. After everything that happened today you cannot tell me that god hates me so much to do this to me too!"

"Caddie breathe-" Janis walked around the table placing her hands on Cady's shoulders for comfort, but Cady continued.

"Janis Sarkisian do not tell me to fucking breathe! I've been through hell and back today from not being able to drive to republican assholes who refuse to wear your masks! And ON TOP OF THAT I'm stuck here with you-"

There was a deafening silence between them. Janis retrieved her hands from Cady's shoulders and took a step back. Cady didn't see anything but the little scoff she let out and the muttered 'wow' was enough to know that Cady crossed a line.

"Jan-" she tried to reach for her but Janis stepped back.

"I'm gonna look for some candles or something." And with that she vanished further into the darkness surrounding them, leaving Cady alone and scared in the cold and pitch black living room.


Cady jumped when she suddenly felt a presence beside her.

"Shit Janis."

"Sorry" she she whispered, placing a candle onto the coffee table. There was clicking of a lighter a couple of times until a little flame erupted to light the candle.

After all candles have been placed, Janis slowly sat down on the couch with a fair amount of distance between them. Cady didn't like it. Wasn't used to it. Janis normally pulled her into a hug, wrapping a blanket around them to keep her warm. But now it felt like the deepest and coldest winter came too early.

Janis didn't look at her, her gaze focused on the little flame in front of them. The light glistened in Janis chocolate brown eyes. God she was beautiful. Even in the dim light of the candles she made Cadys heart flutter as soon as she looked at her.

Soft and Gay - Cadnis OneshotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu