How I have missed her voice. Still as warm and soothing as I remember, despite everything we've gone through. 

I step inside, removing my helm. "How could you? I made no sound to give myself away."

"They knew you were here the moment you set foot within these walls." She reaches down to stroke the lions that lounge, tame as cats, around her bench. "And yet they did not rise, so I knew you were friend, not foe." She rises then, arms open and eyes glistening. "It has been so long, my sweet Aidoneus."

"I am sorry I haven't visited more often, Rhea." I wrap my arms around her, savoring her embrace. Besides Hera, my mother is the only being I have ever felt I knew well enough to share such an intimately affectionate gesture with.

"Do I not get the respect of being called 'Mother' anymore?" she asks with a teasing pout as she draws back, her warm hand coming up to cradle my cheek.

"Apologies, Mother. One becomes overly used to formalities when one is a King," I tell her contritely, taking her other hand in my own.

She scoffs at my excuse. "Sit down, Aidoneus, and just let me look at you while we talk. I have missed seeing your face."

I sit down on another bench, and she returns to the weaving bench, though her tapestry sits forgotten. I have lost track of how long it has been since we saw each other last, but I know it must be a long time, by mortal standards at least. "How have you been, Mother?"

Rhea smiles, her eyes still lovingly trained on my face. "I am well. It is peaceful here, which, if I recall, was all that I asked you for. The mortals who send offerings and hymns my way are few in number but lack nothing in energy and fervor. And my sister Tethys still drops in every so often to share the latest news from Poseidon's realm with me." She gestures to the doorway, where I can still hear the soft lapping of the waves echoing down the hall. "So I am content. Though I always wish I could see more of you."

"I wish I could visit more often myself. But the last thing I want is for my brothers to find you."

Her face grows somber for a moment. "I know." There is a brief silence, and then she shakes the heaviness away. "How are YOU doing, Aidoneus?"

"I? Fine, I, actually I have a...problem, of sorts. Which is part of the reason I came to speak to you." I rub the back of my neck, suddenly shy of telling my mother that I lured a woman into my kingdom with the hopes that she will be my wife one day. 

Maybe everything I've done so far has been a horrible mistake.

She leans forward, all her features sharpening with interest. "Well? Come now, Son, you have piqued my curiosity. Do not leave me hanging on so long."

Deciding to plunge right in, I start before I can talk myself out of it. "I have met someone, Mother, and I think I may be in love with her."

Before the last words have even left my lips, Rhea has leapt from her bench and nearly into my lap. "I knew it! I could feel something different in the air around you. Really, Aidoneus, it is about time you crowned a Queen. Tell me all about her!"

"Well...she —"

"Is she pretty?"

"Pretty?! She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever set eyes on, Mother."

"That is good. I always thought my handsome son deserved someone beautiful. Hopefully she is intelligent, too."

"Not only intelligent, she is constantly trying to learn more. She never seems to run out of questions."

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