Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I stand up and press my finger on the earpiece. "Isiah, you ready?" I ask, looking around for him.

He's on top of a cargo or the bridge of the ship since he's the sniper on this mission along with Riley and Bella.

"Yes," he mumbles, "and did you really have to put me with them? They're talking about going to Westfield to buy rings so they can officially get married."

"Bella is cheating on Ivory," I gasp dramatically, "and furthermore, with your girl?"

"She's not my girl," he grits out. "So if I just kiss her-" I start but he cuts me off. "Turn southwest," he grumbles.

I turn in the direction he told me and sure enough, there he is, quite hidden, with Riley and Bella.

With a mocking smile, I throw a thumbs up at him, and in return, he flips me off. Eh, fair enough.

"Put your gun down!" a woman yells at me and I swing around to face her. "How about we talk about this over tea and crumpets?" I ask, raising my hands up.

Am I actually going to surrender? Absolutely not. I'm just trying to distract her. Then she can visit her great-grandma in heaven. Well, if she goes to heaven.

"Got it, boss," Riley mutters and before I can do or say anything, the girl falls dead right in front of me. "Ha, bullseye. Did you see my great aim?"

"Don't need to show off," I hear Isiah mumble in the background. Is he jealous? Does he know that I'm the one who trained her? Jokes on him.

They're on top of the bridge of the ship, but through the glass, I can see three people heading up the stairs where they are. Fuck.

I open the door and rush in, catching all of their attentions. "Tell your Russian ancestors their Italian friend said hi," I grin before shooting two, while the other runs up the stairs.

Those stairs lead outside where Isiah, Riley, and Bella are. Ah, shit. I quickly run up the stairs and outside to see that he's got Bella in his arms with a gun aimed at her head.

"Let go of her," Riley demands and tries to head towards them but Isiah pulls her back. He definitely cares about her- not the best time.

"Stay back," the guy warns, taking steps away from us, towards the edge. If Kylo were here, he'd go fucking mad.

"You bastard," she grits out, trying to slip out of his grip but nothing works. "Do you want to fucking die?" Kylo says from behind me. Speak of the devil.

All of a sudden, the guy pushes Bella off the edge and tries to make a run for it, but I shoot him three times in the stomach. Did he really think that would work?

Kylo runs to Bella and grabs her hand that's hanging off the edge. "Hurry up, please, I have a fear of heights, remember?" she murmurs before he finally pulls her up.

"We can still get married, you're not dead yet," Riley laughs. I bet Ivory feels very betrayed right now.

"Kylian," Isiah calls out for me, catching everyone's attention. "I think you want to see this."

Hating Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें