That day was the only day he actually went down on his knees.

"Don't remind me that day. It was dreadful. You only did that because you were losing."

Her grin turned smug

"It's called being strategical, sweetie. I'm not only muscle but also intelligent."

She said with a superior attitude

"It's not called tactical, it's called being a bitch."

Valiana shrugged at his reply.

"You knew what you were signing for. So it's your problem not mine."

"And why you look so smug and happy about it. You hurt me seriously that day, you know."

"Dominating you.. is always a joy on all senses of the word."

He wasn't the submissive type on this unofficial "relationship" they had just to be clear.

"What's with me and the sadistic girls?"

Y/N spoke more himself than with her but she heard it all.

"I heard somewhere that some men love women who bear the power to kill them. Maybe you're one of those."

That actually made sense. The first thing that caught Y/N's attention from Valiana's besides her obvious beauty was her power. There was something alluring on the fact that if she wanted she could kill him. Of course, it was possible than on a dead match between him and her the possibilities of victory would be more focused on his favor.

And no, the first thing that it attracted him from her physically wasn't the ass, that was the second one. Actually the feature that attracted him the most were her eyes. Each time he Gazed at them he felt how he lost himself on those infinite cerulean orbs. He was a hopeless romantic after all.

"Perhaps. I mean, look at you. While I highly doubt that you can kill me even if you tried, I'm sure you would make me go through a hard time if you really try."

"Heh. Want to test that out?"

"You want to kill me?"

"Nah. It would be boring if you weren't on my life. Before you everything was so boring and repetitive almost like a routine."

This made him really happy on the inside. He didn't asked for more because he knew that was the closest he would get close to an "I appreciate you" from Valiana. She wasn't romantic at all, nor liked to communicate her feelings.

"That has to be nicest thing you ever told me."

"Don't let it go to your head, Sometimes you're annoying and infuriating. Like yesterday when you left me even though I asked you to stay with me. And for what? Another girl?"

Y/N raised an eyebrow

"You know her?"

"No. I just saw her. When the two little holy swords wielders threatened me with their petty blades, the one with the blue hair had some sort of energy that the fallen angels that you possess had as well."

"Yeah. That some sort of communication thingy I put on them just in case something happens."

Valiana closed her eyes avoiding to look at him

"So it was true. You left because of another girl. But well, it was expected. Mostly all male Dragon Emperors are womanizers."

Y/N frowned knowing where this was going.

In a second he grabbed her by the waist forcefully making her face him. Their noses were almost touching due to their closeness.

Valiana was taken off guard by his sudden rough action.

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now