Starting paragraph, prologue

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Starting paragraph:
"You are the fire that will save the hole forest, so no matter what anyone tells you, just remember that. You are the one that has powers like no other. You, are the one, that this is all about."
I could feel that fire inside of me, screaming to get out. Firestar may of had his day, but now I'll have mine.

The stars glittered, shined and sparkled high in the darkened sky. A full moon shone in the night sky, making the sky brighten quite a bit. I looked down at my paws, in wonder. My paws where fiery red and orange.
"Hello young one." Said a strange voice.
I looked up, and right in front of me, was a hidden figure of a badger, hidden amongst the shadows and undergrowth. My fur started to stand up all over.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"There's no need to fear little one. I'm one of your allies."
"But who are you? And allies? What allies? And who?"
"You have several allies. Me, of corse, and some others."
"You, and other badgers?"
"No, me, and cat's."
"But why are you the only badger?"
"I have a special connection with the stars, that's why."
"You mean, starclan?"
The badger started to walk away.
"Hey wait! What is your name?" I asked.
"Midnight. And yours?"
"For now yes."
"What do mean?"
"You'll find out soon."
The badger started to walk away.
"Hey, hey wait!"
But the badger didn't stop, just kept walking.
Then, the badger suddenly disappeared.
The ground was growing with green grass. The trees were all around me. It looked just like a forest. It was a forest. Wait, I smelt a familiar smell. The smell, of thunderclan. Is this thunderclan territory? It must be! Wow! It's beautiful!
Then, everything suddenly began to fade.

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