Day 20

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Today's story is by Nadine (hxghesortiz)

It was one week before christmas, they already had decorated the house, got their gifts for secret santa and planned a lazy day before the holiday stress came along. At least that is what Andy thought, Robert had some other plans for the day.

Robert has been awake for around 10 minutes gazing at Andy before he decided to wake her up. They usually cuddeled up during the night, this night was no different. Andy's head was resting on his chest. Robert started carressing her back and was stroking the hair from her face. She started waking up a bit. 'Goodmorning love' Robert kissed her forehead. 'Robert what time is it let me sleep some more.' She kept her eyes closed and tried to go back to sleep 'It's around 9 but you should wake up we have plans?' 'Plans what plans? Robert you know our plans were just to be lazy today our shifts have been insane lately.' Robert started laughing a bit she looked so cute while sleepy and gave her a chaste kiss. 'Get dressed grumpy! Your husband made plans today it will be just the two off us don't worry. Just a different type off relaxing. You know there is a world outside off the station and our home right.' Andy opened her eyes 'Sometimes i wonder if i made the right decision to marry such a morning person.' She sighed 'Owh come on Andrea give me the benefit off the doubt.' He smiled at her. 'Fine, on one condition, whatever you planned to do can wait. You know our days off can't start without one off your homecooked breakfasts so this better not be the start of you trying to change our routine.' She laughed and her stomach growled right on time. 'message recieved, in the meantime you go and get dressed in the warmest thing you can find!'

Andy got dressed and walked downstairs in jeans and a big sweater she 'stole' from Robert. 'Babe really? You do know you own clothes yourself right?' Robert said a bit annoyed 'Well what's mine is yours right.' She winked and gave him a passionate kiss 'You told me to put on the warmest thing i could find, so i did. Too bad you didn't say the hottest thing.' She smirked. 'Enough about my clothes where are we going? Andy asked. 'You'll see! Breakfast is ready!'

They finished breakfast and relaxed together a bit. After a little while Robert drives them to an ice rink. Ever since he had to fight the fire at the ice rink he remembered the good times in from his childhood ice skating and wanted to create some more memories with his wife.

'An ice rink? Babe i've never went ice skating before.' Robert grabbed her hand and got their skates. 'You know sometimes trying something new is a good thing love, i'll teach you don't worry.' He helped putting on her skates 'Let's go' Andy grabbed Robert's hand like her life depended on it. 'If you drop me i'll call a divorce lawyer, just so you know.' She gave him her lieutentant stare 'Okay i'm going to do my best to keep our marriage safe.' He laughed and put his arm around her waist. They started ice skating slowly along the edge of the rink. Robert couldn't help but laughing seeing his badass wife with a terrified face. 'Love you're a badass firefighter, a great salsa dancer but you're scared to fall on ice?' He kept laughing. 'Robert' she sighed. 'First of all fire is hot and this stuff is way to cold and really hard. Secondly, when we're fighting fires i usually have both feet on the ground. Now i'm trying to balance on two extremely tiny blades and if i fall we need to call an aid car and i would prefer not to be teased by the team about losing my balance at an ice rink and needing an aid car.' 'You know when you fall i'll catch you right?' Robert smiled at her.

Andy misstepped and almost tripped when Robert catches his wife in his embrace. He guides her to the side off the ice rink 'Are you okay?' He asked concerned checking her out. 'I'm okay, don't worry. Guess i'm not a natural like my husband after all. Thanks for caring!' Robert carressed her waist and kissed her passionatly while pulling her closer by her belt loops. 'Robert we're in public remember and you know your kisses knock me over even when i have both of my feet on the ground let alone on ice.' They both let out a loud laugh and went back to iceskating.

In the car back home. 'I must say i had fun today. Why did you choose ice skating?' Andy asked 'Ever since that call at the ice rink it brought back memories and i wanted us to make some new onces.' Robert kissed the back off her hand. 'You know chief, you can be such a softie for your wife. There is one thing that would make this day even better.' Andy smirked 'And what would that be?' Robert asked already having an idea about her plans. Andy leaned over and gave him a kiss on his neck before whispering 'I would say a bubble bath would be the perfect way to warm us up don't you think?' She carressed the back off his neck while he was driving. 'hmm that seems doable, i was thinking about something else Andrea.' He smirked and gave her a chaste kiss while stopping for a red light. 'Babe you know that is what i meant with bubble bath right?' she whispered in his ear. 'maybe' he winked and rested his hand on her thigh.

At home Robert walks into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate to warm up. When he walks back he sees Andy asleep on the couch. He grabbed a blanket and sit down beside while moving her head to rest on his lap and watched some tv and sighed this wasn't the way he thought this day would end. Andy woke up after around an hour still sleepy and snuggles closer towards Robert. 'You're so comfy, i'm sorry i fell asleep!' 'It's okay babe you need rest. Are you really a firefighter though, you seem to be so tired after just a little ice skating.' He played with her hair 'Come on that is adrealin you can't compare the two, you wore me out with that ice skating.' They ended their day cuddled up against each other under a blanket while watching a christmas movie.  

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