Day 9

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Today's story is by blacklistPi

The doors flew open and Vic skidded in through the beanery doors.

"Houston, we have a problem" panted Vic

"What now" asked Jack as he stood up with his bowl and headed to the sink.

"Herrera is here" said Vic still trying desperately to catch her breath

The whole room went still

"Wait, wait; what do you mean Herrera is here" wondered Ben, " those two" he started

Maya grimaced as she walked over to hand Vic a bottle of water and asked " Has anyone seen Sullivan?" , "Do you think we should warn him?"

"I know they are getting divorced and all that but they are combustible." announced Travis

"I used to think it was tension, like when Sullivan first came to the Station but damn. They look ready to jump one another" replied Vic

"Who is jumping who? " Enquired Robert as he walked the door.

"Do you have super hearing or something" whispered Vic

"19 – Line up," shouted Beckett from his office

"So no one is going to tell me? Okaaaayyy then?" Robert sighed as he shrugged his shoulders as he left for the barn

As 19 lined up in the barn ; Aquino walked in with the rest of 23. At least that explained why Andy was here.

Vic peaked to see if Sullivan appeared surprised to his soon to be ex-wife, but he showed nothing. He barely shows emotions anyway she thought to herself.

"Since we all have to work this holiday, we thought that it would be best if we were in one station. Since 19 is bigger we are all here for the next four days so get comfortable people." Said Aquino

"Each pair" continued Beckett "will contain a member of 19 and 23 and we will rotate tomorrow"

The entire room looked at each the tension was thick and no one dare to believe that they were crazy enough to stick the volatile divorcing couple in the same building; let alone in as a pair during this shift.

"Maddox and Warren – Aid car"

"Montgomery and Barnes; Engine"

"Bishop & Duval – Ladder"

"Hughes & Mayhorn – Engine "

"Shit" spat Vic

"Ruiz & Sullivan – Ladder"

And Herrera on Desk

Although 19 tried hard to show it, no one could believe that Andy had been sentenced to Desk duty over the holidays Andy made no effort to argue, she simply turned around and walked out to sit at the front desk.

Maya and Vic rushed into the foyer and stood in front of Andy at the desk. Her hair was the same and her skin seemed to be glowing and she has a small smile on her lips.

"Herrera has swagger" proclaimed Vic

"What?" Andy retorted

"You have swagger, mama knows when someone has swagger. I have a sense for it" sang Vic as she thrust her hips. Dancing to her own song.

Andy looked up and noticed Sullivan; immediately her demeanour changed. Maya turned just in time to check what she was looking at and realised that Sullivan was walking up the stairs and slapped Vic across the arm.

Vic carried on singing that Herrera had swagger as the rest of the teams filled the Foyer. 19 carried on as they were used to Vic acting a fool but the firefighters stopped to walk.

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