Day 10

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Today's story is by Beth (svrreraa) 

"Elle slow down!" Andy said as she watched her daughter run into the station and jump into her arms. "Sorry mommy I just missed you thisssss much!" Elle explained as she stretched her arms out wide. "I missed you too baby girl, let's go see where daddy is yeah?" "Yes mommy!" The girl nodded excitedly.

As they walked into the beanery Elle started to squirm in her mothers arms and Andy put her down so she could run towards her daddy "hi baby girl!" Robert said as he squatted down to her level and embraced her. "Hi daddy! I missed you but now your here!!" The girl explained as she smiled looking between both parents. "We missed you too, you ready to go?" Robert asked as he stood up and held Elle's hand as they walked towards the stairs. As shift was over Robert and Andy left with their 4 year old daughter and went home.

"Mommy can I have something to eat?" "Of course babygirl." Andy fixed her daughter a snack while she said at the counter and watched her mom. "Babe, whenever you are done can you come here for a sec?" Robert asked from the other room. Andy put the plate in front of Elle and went to meet Robert.

"When should we tell her?" Robert asked his wife "I'm not sure, I don't know what her reaction will be and I want to make sure she knows we still love her just as much." "I know babe but we said we would talk to her soon, she's going to get curious as to why mommy's tummy is getting bigger" Robert said as he let out a quiet laugh while looking at his beautiful wife. "I know" Andy smiled at her husband and thought for a moment. "Why don't we do it after dinner since Pru is coming over in a bit anyways?" "Sounds good babe" Robert said as he brought his wife in for a quick kiss.

"Mommy I'm done!!" Elle said from the kitchen. Andy went to her daughter and cleaned up the kitchen and helped her get down from the table. "You want to watch a movie before Pru gets here baby?" Andy asked as she took her in the living room with Robert sitting on the couch. "Yes yes yes can we watch frozen please mommy?!" Amelia excitedly asked as she climbed on the couch next to her father. "I suppose we can" Robert said while he brought the girl beside him.

Later on Pru came over and the two girls played together for hours, now that Ben and Miranda have custody of Pru, Elle has got to see her a lot more and both sets of parents loved watching the girls play together.

Later that night Robert and Andy had talked and decided now was the time. When tucking Elle in for bed they both sat on each side of the bed while their daughter was telling stories about her day. "Sweetheart did you have fun with Pru today?" Andy asked. "I did mommy!! I wish Pru could stay here all the time and play with me." Robert gave Andy a look that Elle had just made it too easy. "How would you feel about having someone here to play with you all the time? Robert asked as he looked at his daughter for a response.

"Yeah daddy!! That would be fun" she responded happily. Andy took a deep breath, "well baby in a couple of months you will have a new baby sister or brother here" she replied while smiling between Elle and Robert. "Why can't they be here now?" Elle asked confused. "Because baby girl, mommy is going to have a baby but right now it has to grow a little more in mommy's tummy". Robert responded while reaching over to Andy's free hand and rubbing it for reassurance, he knew Andy was nervous to have this talk with their daughter.

"Really mommy?!" "There's a little baby in there?!" Andy smiled as she let a sigh of relief out while looking between her baby girl and Robert. "Yes there is! We don't know if it will be a boy or girl yet but in a couple of months we will have a new baby here. How does that sound?" Andy responded happily to her daughter. "Yes mommy I can't wait!!" Elle exclaimed as she jumped up and crawled between her mommy and daddy and gave them hugs.

Robert whispered to his wife "See that wasn't so bad" as he gave her a look and Andy replied "No it wasn't, she seems to like her surprise" Andy said as she smiled and embraced her girl and her husband. 

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